6257 Lack of sense of responsibility.... lack of faith....

May 14, 1955: Book 67

You bear a responsibility for your earthly life which you cannot absolve yourselves of. And one day you will have to give account to your God and creator of eternity as to how you have used this earthly life, what advantage your soul has gained from it.... And you will mostly have to recognize that you only thought of your body but the soul came away empty-handed. And therefore the soul must be.... your real self.... must suffer exceedingly in the kingdom of the beyond, yet you yourselves have procured this suffering, you yourselves could also be eternally happy in light and strength, for you could have acquired such a blissful fate on earth with the right use of your will. On earth you will always strive for advantage, you will always do what brings you success.... and thus you should also constantly strive for the right kind of success for your soul, because you know full well that the body will pass away, that you will not even be able to preserve your own life if you are called away before the time God grants a person.... You know that you can be called away every day, and therefore you should dedicate all your efforts and striving on earth to the well-being of your soul, which continues to live even when the earthly body passes away.... Why do you not have a sense of responsibility for your soul? Why don't you think about its fate after the death of the body? Because you do not want to believe that your soul lives on.... Nevertheless, you must answer for yourselves when you enter the spiritual kingdom, for you have not remained unaware of it. During your earthly life you were repeatedly informed and you will be informed until the end, for the spiritual world will reveal itself to you in a good or bad sense, your attention will always be drawn to the working of supernatural forces, even if you reject it as fantasy, yet these indications should always suffice for you to think about what awaits your soul after the death of your body.... No hundred percent proofs from the kingdom of the beyond can be given to you, for you must believe without being prompted by evidence.... for you should voluntarily strive for perfection but not compulsorily.... through evidence.... bring about a change in your nature. Yet you all have spiritual guides who will not let any opportunity pass by to influence you from above and who will also occasionally resort to means which could cause you concern if only you paid attention to them; in the last days before the end connections from the beyond to earth will be extremely frequent, because it is only intended to confirm to unbelieving people a continuation of life after death without, however, forcing the human being's will to believe.... It is truly made easy for you humans to gain faith in a continuation of life, for you will still experience many things which seem supernatural to you but which are only permitted so that you will look within yourselves and henceforth only think of your soul, that you will learn to believe and still work diligently until the end so that the soul will attain 'life' in light and bliss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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