5958 The last judgement is also an act of God's love....

May 15, 1954: Book 64

You all came forth from Me, and this must also be an explanation to you for My greater than great love which unites Me with you. And this love does not diminish, it increases with growing danger for you, it applies to the deeply fallen and seeks to save it.... And My love therefore never gives up what opposes it, what is still at the furthest distance from Me. For My love is infinite.... You don't grasp the whole meaning of this word because your thinking and feeling is limited, but the awareness of being constantly seized by My love could make you the happiest beings, because it would banish all fear, chase away every fearful impulse, for the child does not fear a loving father but nestles trustingly into His arms.... But you are unaware of My greater than great love as a result of your inadequacy, which is the cause of your earthly life, for due to your past apostasy from Me you have closed yourselves off from My flow of love and now also lost the light, which is synonymous with realization and knowledge of your beginning and your destiny. You entered the darkness yourselves, you fled from the light, you turned away from the source of light and strived towards darkness. Nevertheless, My love pursued you and will not let go of you until it finds your reciprocation in order to then prepare unimaginable beatitudes for you. My love therefore seeks to redeem you but it does not condemn you.... But if you are in condemnation, if you are in a state of extreme adversity and torment and eternal darkness, then you have chosen this condemnation for yourselves, then you have resisted My love, you have consciously turned away from Me and striven towards My adversary.... by virtue of your free will, which I will never ever make unfree as long as you, as beings freely set free from Me, have the opportunity to turn to Me again.... Only then do I bind this will of yours when every possibility has remained unused and the return to Me is impossible.... Then My love chooses the last resort.... renewed binding and insertion into the law of compulsion.... in order to induce the beingness to give up its resistance, in order to reduce the endless distance from Me again, so that the possibility exists again to enter the circuit of My love. I truly know how to win what has emerged from Me, and My infinite love will never stop wanting to bring it deliverance.... For love will never want to condemn and put it in chains but only ever redeem.... what has fallen into the state of eternal damnation through its own fault.... And thus judgment is not an act of wrath either but an act of love, because one redemption period is thereby ended and a new one begins until even the last spiritual being which resists Me has found its way back to Me and is blissfully happy....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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