Book 80


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
7549 Disbelief in an end.... Mar 15, 1960 1030 Print
7550 Revival of the spirit.... address of God.... Mar 16, 1960 212 Print
7551 Faith can move mountains.... Mar 17, 1960 227 Print
7552 Unusual gift of grace.... Mar 18, 1960 216 Print
7553 Will guarantees the power to work the vineyard.... Mar 19, 1960 428 Print
7554 Urgent address to vineyard workers.... Mar 20, 1960 212 Print
7555 "Do not worry about what you shall say...." Mar 21, 1960 220 Print
7556 God's act of creation and goal.... Mar 22, 1960 227 Print
7557 Fight against selfish love.... Mar 23, 1960 619 Print
7558 Spirit working.... Mar 25, 1960 207 Print
7559 Serious desire for truth.... Mar 26, 1960 658 Print
7560 To the worldlings.... Mar 27, 1960 751 Print
7561 Vineyard work suggestion.... Mar 28, 1960 214 Print
7562 Total spiritual change.... Mar 29, 1960 405 Print
7563 Neighbourly love.... Mar 31, 1960 452 Print
7564 Presentation of the lord's supper.... Mar 31, 1960 212 Print
7565 God's plan of salvation and end.... Apr 2, 1960 611 Print
7566 God-turned-will secures perfection.... Apr 3, 1960 653 Print
7567 Return path of the spiritual to God.... Apr 4, 1960 426 Print
7568 The knowledge of redemptive work does not pass away.... Apr 5, 1960 213 Print
7569 Self-awareness of the original spirit.... Apr 5, 1960 654 Print
7570 Shackles of the soul.... freedom.... Apr 6, 1960 205 Print
7571 Development of the soul.... Original spirit.... Apr 7, 1960 931 Print
7572 Refuge to Jesus.... Apr 10, 1960 395 Print
7573 Bond with God.... Apr 11, 1960 406 Print
7574 Time of the faith battle.... Apr 12, 1960 433 Print
7575 God's love expressed in the work of redemption.... Apr 12, 1960 628 Print
7576 Power redirection process.... childhood of God.... Apr 14, 1960 206 Print
7577 Good Friday.... Apr 15, 1960 643 Print
7578 Mental drought.... Apr 16, 1960 196 Print
7579 Easter.... Apr 17, 1960 397 Print
7580 Overcoming death.... resurrection.... Apr 18, 1960 231 Print
7581 Spiritual low level necessitates upheaval of earth.... Apr 19, 1960 636 Print
7582 The paradise of the new earth.... Apr 21, 1960 192 Print
7583 God's address is a great grace.... Apr 22, 1960 199 Print
7584 Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God's support.... Apr 23, 1960 631 Print
7585 God's rightful representatives on earth.... Apr 24, 1960 205 Print
7586 Gospel of love.... Apr 25, 1960 391 Print
7587 Blessing of the spiritual activity.... Apr 26, 1960 196 Print
7588 Feeding the truth to earth and the spiritual realm.... Apr 27, 1960 202 Print
7589 "Behold, I stand at the door...." Apr 28, 1960 582 Print
7590 Limitation of knowledge.... Apr 29, 1960 220 Print
7591 Renewed banishment is the result of spiritual death.... Apr 30, 1960 634 Print
7592 The power of prayer.... May 1, 1960 199 Print
7593 Right use of vitality.... May 3, 1960 197 Print
7594 The fall and rise of the being.... May 4, 1960 215 Print
7595 Release of spiritual substances through destruction.... May 6, 1960 230 Print
7596 Serious warning about the end.... May 7, 1960 947 Print
7597 Living faith.... Awakening of life.... May 8, 1960 654 Print
7598 Examining spiritual good.... feeding the word.... May 11, 1960 384 Print
7599 Admonition for all vineyard labourers .... May 14, 1960 592 Print
7600 God's revelation.... "Receive and eat...." May 15, 1960 416 Print
7601 Contact with inhabitants of other worlds.... ‘In My Father’s house....’ May 17, 1960 907 Print
7602 Meaning and purpose of existence: turning away from the world.... May 18, 1960 461 Print
7603 God's blessing should be requested.... May 20, 1960 645 Print
7604 Forerunner.... Knowledge about previous incarnation.... May 22, 1960 804 Print
7605 Grant of grace and efficacy.... May 23, 1960 208 Print
7606 God's protection to His own and to the vineyard workers.... May 24, 1960 196 Print
7607 Good will guarantees approach to God.... May 25, 1960 410 Print
7608 Love and suffering purify the soul.... May 26, 1960 236 Print
7609 The end will come unexpectedly.... May 28, 1960 829 Print
7610 Right or wrong will.... May 29, 1960 247 Print
7611 Separation of the spirits.... The end of an earthly period.... May 30, 1960 462 Print
7612 Spiritual compulsion.... Dogma.... May 31, 1960 198 Print
7613 The Father speaks to His child.... Jun 1, 1960 1210 Print
7614 Granting of graces through God's love.... Jun 2, 1960 209 Print
7615 Work of the spirit.... right prophets.... Jun 4, 1960 249 Print
7616 Spiritual turn.... Jun 5, 1960 428 Print
7617 Many are called, few are chosen.... Jun 6, 1960 219 Print
7618a Where did evil come from?.... Jun 11, 1960 439 Print
7618b Where did evil come from?.... Jun 10, 1960 417 Print
7619 Turning to God is passing the test of will.... Jun 12, 1960 214 Print
7620 Exhortation to work in the vineyard.... Jun 13, 1960 383 Print
7621 Commandments of love.... Faith.... Jun 14, 1960 208 Print
7622 Following Jesus.... Patiently bearing the cross.... Jun 15, 1960 782 Print
7623 Activity of the beings of light.... Spreading the truth.... Jun 16, 1960 414 Print
7624 Countless evidence of God.... Jun 17, 1960 428 Print
7625 God's justice demands atonement.... Jun 18, 1960 624 Print
7626 Increased work of God in the end time.... Jun 19, 1960 193 Print
7627 Unification.... Blissfulness of the images of God.... Jun 20, 1960 799 Print
7628 Communion with the host.... Jun 21, 1960 206 Print
7629 Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth.... Jun 22, 1960 634 Print
7630 The final work of destruction.... Jun 23, 1960 460 Print
7631 The work of satan.... Help through Jesus Christ.... Jun 24, 1960 198 Print
7632 'I am the way, the truth and the life.... ' Jun 25, 1960 783 Print
7633 Distress and help of souls in the hereafter.... Jun 26, 1960 224 Print
7634 The true home .... Jun 27, 1960 419 Print
7635 God's nearness means peace and love.... Jun 28, 1960 418 Print
7636 Participation of the souls in the hereafter in the transmission of the word.... Jun 29, 1960 394 Print
7637 Clarification regarding the working of the spirit.... Jul 1, 1960 421 Print
7638 'The measure you give will be the measure you receive....' Jul 2, 1960 428 Print
7639 Working of God directly or through messengers of light.... Jul 3, 1960 414 Print
7640 Victory of divine love.... Jul 4, 1960 205 Print
7641 Requesting strength for the approaching time.... Jul 5, 1960 630 Print
7642 Living in divine order is fundamental law.... Jul 6, 1960 453 Print
7643 Natural event and chaos.... Jul 8, 1960 421 Print
7644 Spiritual death and renewed banishment.... Jul 9, 1960 1422 Print
7645 The earth is school of the spirit.... Jul 11, 1960 192 Print
7646 Spiritual sun.... Life force influx.... Jul 11, 1960 411 Print
7647 St. John 21, 25.... Jul 14, 1960 404 Print
7648 God as a loving Father.... Jul 15, 1960 1212 Print
7649 The redemptive work of Jesus was unique.... Jul 17, 1960 209 Print
7650 From the fire of love shines the light of wisdom.... Jul 18, 1960 584 Print
7651 Human-tangible knowledge of the work of redemption.... Jul 20, 1960 180 Print
7652 Offering the word is special grace.... Jul 22, 1960 196 Print
7653 Address to vineyard workers.... Jul 23, 1960 201 Print
7654 Re-banishment an act of justice.... Jul 24, 1960 204 Print
7655 Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God.... Jul 25, 1960 617 Print
7656 The soul will reap what it has sown.... Jul 26, 1960 629 Print
7657 Recognizing the father's voice.... Jul 27, 1960 201 Print
7658 Truth not without love.... Jul 28, 1960 458 Print
7659 Creation evidence of an essential Deity.... Jul 29, 1960 424 Print
7660 Forgiveness through Jesus Christ.... Degree of light and love.... Jul 30, 1960 608 Print
7661 Importance of the love commandments.... Jul 31, 1960 443 Print
7662 Rescue from the darkness.... Aug 1, 1960 201 Print
7663 Forwarding the truth is mandatory.... Aug 2, 1960 201 Print
7664 Right attitude to the work of redemption.... Aug 3, 1960 202 Print
7665 Faith in God in free will.... Aug 4, 1960 659 Print
7666 Instituted Words.... Aug 5, 1960 427 Print
7667 Concern for soul paramount.... Promise.... Aug 6, 1960 408 Print
7668 'It is finished....' Aug 7, 1960 609 Print
7669 The soul consciously enters its embodiment.... Aug 8, 1960 835 Print
7670 Apostasy and return of essence.... Love of God.... Aug 9, 1960 409 Print
7671 Process of change.... Self-shaping towards perfection.... Aug 11, 1960 214 Print
7672 Vast distance from God.... End.... Aug 12, 1960 460 Print