
7640 Victory of divine love....

July 4, 1960: Book 80

For My love never ceases.... Do you know what lies in these words of Mine? That I have loved you from the beginning and will continue to love you for all eternity.... that you will never lose this love of Mine and that you will therefore also one day be intimately united with Me again, even if eternities will still pass by.... I will possess you again as I once did, and you will be immeasurably happy. Yet even as long as you are still far away from Me My love pursues you, and I do everything to shorten the time of separation from Me for you, because you are children of My love. Therefore you cannot be lost forever, My adversary will not have power over you forever, one day he will have to hand you over to Me because the strength of My love is stronger than his power and because My love has also paid the ransom for you. Yet as long as you are still distant from Me your state is an unhappy one.... you are not happy because My love alone signifies true beatitude for you and you still reject My love. And therefore, again and again I carry My love to you, again and again it pursues you and wants to motivate you to open your hearts and let My love radiate into you. You cannot go astray but the time of your distance from Me can still last an exceedingly long time, and during this time you will be wretched.... But I want you to become blessed.... I want to shorten your state of unhappiness, for I long to be able to make you happy, to be united with you and to let you feel the delights of union again. For I love you and My love never ends.... And this love urges Me to speak to you and to prove My love to you through My address.... for I know that you are in need, earthly and spiritually, and I want to help you in these hardships with advice and action, I want to chain you to Me through words of love and comfort, I want you to desire to hear these words again and again and that you will now receive strength through My address, that love will likewise ignite in you and that you will now consciously turn to Me and long for unification with Me.... And then My love will have won, then you will also voluntarily open your heart to My illumination of love, and then you will already manage on earth to join Me and desire My presence ever more intimately.... And then you will have passed the test of earthly life.... and you no longer need to remain at a distance from Me, you have come close to Me and My love has won.... It will certainly win once, but that you will already find your way back to Me in this earthly life.... that you will not need to walk the path through creation again is what My infinite love wants to achieve, so that you will become blissfully happy and be able to behold undreamed-of glories with Me when you have finally returned to Me.... And therefore I will address you again and again as long as you live on earth, because My address alone can bring it about that you change, that you shape yourselves into love.... that your love unites with Me and that you, too, long to live with Me.... as the Eternal Love and to create and work with Me as it was in the beginning...._>Amen

Translated by Doris Boekers