
7606 God's protection to His own and to the vineyard workers....

May 24, 1960: Book 80

You will have to attach yourselves ever more firmly to Me, for the afflictions will also become increasingly stronger and you would be unable to resist without My help. But you know that I always want to be your protection and shield and support if only you stick to Me and no longer leave Me out of your thoughts.... Only the bond with Me can be your secure help, and the more intimately you establish it the less you will be affected by all adversity which, however, will increase the closer it is to the end. And I speak to you as your father Who truly wants to spare His children all adversity.... I speak to you as your God and creator, Who truly also has the power to protect each of His children from adversity and suffering.... And I speak to you as the father of the house Who promises safe protection to His servants who faithfully serve Him. For I need you.... There is still a time when much rescue work can be done, there is still a time when you live in a certain freedom, when you can be active for Me and My kingdom without being prevented by worldly power. But the time will soon come when this activity will also be forbidden to you, when you will only be able to work in secret and when you only have to place all your trust in Me that I will protect you, no matter what you undertake.... And I have always promised you My protection and will thus grant it to you so that you can still work until the end comes.... Therefore, don't worry unnecessarily and don't let yourselves be weighed down by afflictions of any kind, but only ever seek to strengthen your bond with Me and you will have nothing to fear.... no matter how troubled things are around you.... I am your protection and shield and your companion wherever you go.... For there are still tasks to be fulfilled until your day's work is completed, and as long as I need you, you are also under My protection. None of you can shape his life's destiny according to his will if I am not of the same will or allow his plan; but since I know what task you still have to accomplish on earth I will also shape your life's destiny accordingly, and in this confidence you should only completely hand yourselves over to Me and everything will take care of itself. Every earthly worry is unnecessary as long as your spiritual salvation appears to be the most important thing for you. And if you want to serve Me you should also strive for your spiritual salvation, and then you can also be sure that I will take care of you fatherly and guide you until the end of your life. For I will not leave My own in adversity of body and soul, I will stand by My own and reveal Myself to them as God and creator, as the most loving father from eternity...._>Amen

Translated by Doris Boekers