
7657 Recognizing the father's voice....

July 27, 1960: Book 80

You must feel addressed by Me, otherwise you will not recognize the father's voice and My words will sound in your ears. The intellect alone, however, is unable to accomplish this, the intellect alone only sees the letters but does not grasp the spiritual meaning. This can only be understood by the heart, by your spiritual spark, for when I speak to you then the father-spirit expresses Itself in you, Which the spiritual spark hears and conveys to the soul which then recognizes the words as a fatherly address. Anyone who is not touched by the voice, who does not feel addressed by the father when My word is brought to him, consciously or unconsciously shuts himself off from My word.... He either allows his intellect to push itself forward or his will resists it.... he closes his ear and approaches the examination with a bias, which he should certainly carry out with every spiritual knowledge but which he can only do with My support. But I speak to My Own and My Own recognize the father's voice. And what I have to say to people I tell them through My messengers and servants on earth who agree to pass on My word. And this word of Mine was in the beginning and will remain, even if heaven and earth pass away.... For I Myself am the word, the word is My emanation of My strength of love to all beings which are conscious of Me and to which I want to make Myself known. My word is the manifestation of My will, and if the human being is to do My will he must also experience My will and therefore also hear My word which is conveyed to him directly from above through My servants.... Every person should certainly hear My voice within himself, I would like to be able to address every person Myself, yet every person must seriously want to be addressed by Me if he now also wants to hear Me Myself.... And he will be able to hear Me and also recognize My voice as the voice of the father Who loves His child and therefore also reveals Himself to it. And this is proof of My love that I reveal Myself, that I speak to My children in order to give strength to all who allow themselves to be addressed by Me. I have blessed My word with My strength, and everyone can perceive this who, after heartfelt prayer to Me, receives My word in spirit and in truth and gives himself to the effect of My word.... everyone will feel the strength of the word, because it is the direct emanation on My part when I can speak to My Own, when I can make My will known to them and give them words of love and comfort.... And no-one will want to miss this proof of love who has once received it from Me. But he will also always be an eager servant to Me, he will spread My word, for the strength which flows forth from My word will now not let him remain inactive.... he cannot help but work for Me and My kingdom. He is driven by the strength of love which flows through him with the acceptance of My word. Therefore you are all blessed who receive My word.... be it directly or through My messengers, for strength flows to you from above which now never rests.... you will be faithful servants in My vineyard, you will fulfil the mission you have been given.... you will serve Me as fit instruments and help in the redemption of the unfree.... you will speak in My stead to your fellow human beings, who shall all hear My word, so that they shall know about their task in earthly life in order to now also be able to fulfil it.... And your work will be blessed...._>Amen

Translated by Doris Boekers