7921 Disaster (nature)....

June 16, 1961: Book 83

Whatever you will encounter in the last time.... is wanted or permitted by Me because it is conducive to your soul's salvation. For everything is planned in My eternal plan and nothing happens arbitrarily.... Thus you know that you are supported by Me and My love, because My love and wisdom is always decisive and therefore you can completely trust Me to guide everything through correctly, that I protectively spread My hands over you and help you in every adversity of body and soul. But don't waver in your faith.... I call out to you again and again that firm unshakeable faith in Me and My love will carry you over everything and that you can therefore look forward to what is to come without fear.... for I will obviously appear as I have proclaimed.... I will express Myself through the forces of nature and you will irrevocably approach this event because the time has come when people shall still receive a last hint of the forthcoming end.... where they shall recognize a power above themselves Which wants to express Itself in this natural event in order to cause you humans to turn towards this power and thus establish the connection with Me. But you humans cannot determine this time (this time cannot be determined for you humans).... you can only believe that not much time will pass until I speak to you from above with a voice which you can no longer ignore.... But whether you want to acknowledge it as My voice is up to you, for even this natural event is not 'compelling to believe'.... And even then many people will still not want to recognize and acknowledge Me Myself, nor can they be given any other signs of My existence and My will, for I will never forcibly influence their faith and will, I will never forcibly break their resistance which they still oppose Me by denying everything concerning a higher being and the connection with this higher being.... But they shall recognize that it is not human will which is the cause of this unusual natural event.... they should realize that they themselves are completely powerless and therefore at the mercy of the forces of nature if they don't turn to Me with a heartfelt call for help, which then also proves their faith in Me. For this call must come from the heart or I will not be able to hear it.... You humans are close to it and you yourselves cannot avert this event, for it will come as a surprise even though it was announced to you a long time before.... It will also be inexplicable for the rational scientist, for things will happen which have never been observed before and which no-one will be able to explain. Yet the fact that I have predicted this to you shall be proof of My love as well as of the truth of My word which is sent to you from above.... It shall be proof to you that I also have the power to protect you, for you shall have living faith in Me, Who only lets everything come upon you in order to win you for eternity. For your hearts.... which belong to My own.... will rejoice and exult over the truth of what you receive out of My love and grace.... For you will know that One is with you, and you will give yourselves to this One with complete trust.... Nothing will frighten you any longer, for you know that you are united with Me and under My protection. And you should also still point to My coming wherever possible, for precisely the knowledge of this will be a great support for everyone when the day dawns which will bring a disaster upon people which, earthly speaking, is unimaginable.... For the earth will be tremendously shaken.... Everything will be thrown into disarray and no rescue can be hoped for from any earthly side. Only I will be able to help you, and I will also do so if you call upon Me, if you raise your hands to Me so that I will take hold of them and rescue you from utmost adversity.... And you should not believe that a long time will still separate you from that event.... It is close to you and there are only short hours of grace left to you which you should make good use of because you don't know the number of them.... Again and again I admonish and warn you, for My plan of salvation will be carried out as My love and wisdom recognized it to be right and successful.... And nothing can determine Me to deviate from it, because the time is fulfilled and because I truly know what still serves you, what can save you from ruin....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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