7477 (Dortmund disaster.... )

December 14, 1959: Book 79

God's ways will not always be man's ways, God's will not man's will, and God's plan of salvation will often make people doubt His love.... And yet, God's endless love underlies everything that happens. The fact that the correlations are not always obvious to you humans should not cause you to doubt God's love and wisdom in the slightest, for what a human being's intellect cannot grasp God foresees far in advance, and therefore He can also rule and work in wisdom.... it will always serve the best of the souls which are affected by those events. For love, wisdom and power determine all strokes of fate, all events and also disasters of all kinds, and nothing happens without God's will or His permission. And that is the decisive factor in how the human being himself reacts to everything that fatefully approaches him, which is obvious to him as a clear stroke of fate.... He must by no means rebel, otherwise he would offend God's love, which he is only unable to recognize but which is always involved, whatever God may let happen.... He should only accept everything from His hand in profound humility and it will turn out well for him, spiritually or also earthly. God's wisdom is always involved and also foresees and recognizes the value of strokes of fate for people's souls. But where love and wisdom are at work a blessing must also result for people's souls, and this is very often decisive for unusual strokes of fate, even if people are thereby called away from their earthly life. For you humans don't know to what extent their souls were in danger of being lost, you also don't know what spiritual fate such souls escaped.... But God knows, and therefore He often picks up people in the midst of life for whom a further life on this earth means danger or who find better opportunities to mature in the beyond or make better use of them than on earth. His love, wisdom and power are always at work when it is a matter of saving souls from ruin, and in the last days the danger of being lost to the world and thus also to the spiritual kingdom is very great.... And then follows banishment into matter.... a far worse fate than being called away into the kingdom of the beyond, where maturation is still possible and higher development can continue, which was suddenly interrupted on earth.... In addition, fellow human beings are often to be addressed and startled out of their rest.... For there is a dangerous indifference, and it is only a blessing when people become aware of a sudden death so that they reflect on their purpose of earthly life and their own attitude towards it. For you should always bear in mind that every day can also be your last, and you should ask yourselves to what extent you are well prepared when the hour of departure suddenly approaches you.... You cannot ask yourselves this question seriously enough, how you would fare in the event of a very sudden passing away.... And such a question will be helpful for your soul work, for you all don't have much time left because the end is near, but none of you knows whether he will still experience the end or whether he will already be called away from earth prematurely.... You should deal with death from time to time, for you all have to pass through its gate to eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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