7431 Weak faith....

October 18, 1959: Book 78

All your strength lies in the strength of faith. As long as you cannot believe firmly and with conviction you will also be and remain weak and powerless, for the strength which lies in a strong faith is lacking and prevents you from carrying out your will, even if it wants to express itself in the right direction.... you lack the strength to do so. A weak faith is therefore always an obstacle on the path of ascent, a weak faith is a shortcoming of your soul. And you need not be weak in faith if only you would always see God's hand which has guided you through your earthly life and is still guiding you.... You take everything for granted and yet are constantly guided and led by His protective hand.... You constantly receive and often accept without thanks what a loving father's hand offers you.... You have already been led out of greatest adversity and again and again forget Who was your helper in this adversity.... And your faith should already be of such strength that you only need to lift your eyes to Him to know that He helps you in earthly and spiritual adversity.... But you go through life trembling and despondent, you let yourselves be weighed down by small worries and needs, you don't think of the one Who can and will bring you real help because you are His children. You are too weak in faith, for a strong faith would not allow any despondency, discouragement or unhappy hour to arise.... you would cheerfully and calmly trust in His help, Who said: "Cast all your cares upon the Lord...." and "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest...." His words you can truly believe, for His word is truth and need not be doubted.... And if you turn to Him with a believing heart, then He will also help you, as He has promised.... But you should come to Him with a believing heart.... And you lack this firm faith as long as you are of a despondent heart. And as long as you don't believe in God's love and power either, which can and will banish all your worries, providing you only trust Him and thus faithfully entrust yourselves to Him so that He will grant your requests. An undoubted faith is your strongest strength which enables you to accomplish everything, and if you have this undoubted faith then there will be nothing left which is insurmountable for you, then you will truly be master over everything which weighs you down or worries you.... Cast all your cares upon the lord.... and you will be delivered from them, for God's love knows no bounds if only a child with firm faith in His help appeals to Him to avert all adversity.... Then he will be helped because the father loves His child and always wants to make it happy. And you must first let this faith in His great love revive in you, and then it will also be easy for you to infer His will from His great love to help wherever His help is only ever requested....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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