5955 Convinced preachers....

May 12, 1954: Book 64

Ample spiritual food will be offered to you in the last days before the end so that you will not lose your strength, so that you will become strong and resilient and remain in the last battle on this earth. My gospel is preached with all zeal, for everywhere there are awakened servants who work for Me and My kingdom. All proclaim My name and seek to kindle faith in Me as the divine redeemer and to bring it to new life, and it will be noticeable with what conviction these preachers stand up for Me. My spirit blows where it wants to.... and it always blows where the prerequisites are given which allow My spirit to work: Love and faith, and the desire for the pure truth and such an intimate connection with Me that I can express Myself directly through the mouth of the one who advocates Me. I enlighten his thoughts and put the words into his mouth, I Myself speak to the people who listen to him and he listens to Me, Who speaks through him.... everywhere the gospel will be proclaimed in the last days before the end.... For it is necessary if souls are to be saved from the end. And all will be able to draw strength from the divine word, from the nourishment of the soul which is offered to you humans from above as soon as you earnestly desire to hear My word.... For it is always the same word, whether you hear it through preachers who let My spirit take effect or whether it is directly conveyed to you from above, whether I address you Myself and offer you the bread of heaven.... You are always guests 'at the lord's table', to whom I Myself offer the lord's supper, whom I provide with food and drink in order to strengthen them and give them the strength to pass their last test of faith.... You are all still weak in spirit, you all need healthy and strengthening nourishment for your soul, and therefore I take care of all of you spiritually and physically if only you grant Me the right to take care of you. For this is solely determined by your will, which is free and not touched by Me.... Therefore I call to you in admonishing fatherly love: Come to Me, all of you.... Let Me offer you the bread of heaven, come voluntarily.... want your father to address you from eternity, and pay attention to the way the father fulfils your desire.... For I have many ways that lead to your heart, and I have many workers who are active on My behalf to proclaim My word.... however and wherever it is offered to you.... it comes from Me if only you desire to hear Me. For there is great spiritual hardship, a spiritual drought has occurred and the souls must starve if I Myself do not nourish them.... if I Myself do not offer them the living water which is the most delicious refreshment for them. And all of you need nourishment for your souls and should therefore lie down at the spring of life, which I will never let run dry, and you should let yourselves be given by Me. Then your soul will mature, your faith will become strong and you will be able to cope with the last battle on this earth, you will emerge victorious from the battle which will still erupt before the end for the sake of My name and which will bring about the separation of spirits....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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