5148 Jesus.... Becoming of creatures into children....

June 11, 1951: Book 58

Represent Me and My name before the world, so I will represent you one day in eternity, before God, the almighty creator of heaven and earth, from Whom all creatures came forth, to whom He gave independent life again.

Thus I, the man Jesus, was also an independent being created by Him, both in body and soul. I came forth from the eternal elementary power in order to pass a test of strength in independent existence, which aimed at complete divinization, in order to finally merge with the elementary power again and as such be able to create and shape, to rule over innumerable originally created spirits, over innumerable worlds and all their inhabitants. As Jesus, the human being, I passed this test of strength development, for I used all the abilities a nascent child of God has received through infinite fatherly love for its earthly life and directed the immeasurable flow of strength from God to Me.... I Myself destined eternal love for this disposal because I desired it with the whole strength of love of My heart and eternal love could not resist Me because It gives Itself to every human being who desires It.... As a human being I spoke the words: "No one comes to the father except through Me...." I promised you humans to appeal to the father on your behalf to confess yourselves if you confess Me and My name before the world. For I knew that I would achieve the final aim on earth, the deification of Myself, on earth and that then, as being in union with the eternal deity, I would also be able to give you what you ask for in My name, i.e. by invoking Me.... For My father and I are one.... The fire of eternal love has consumed everything that still stood in the way of a complete union. Body and soul had spiritualized themselves during My life on earth and had become the same substance as the eternal and infinite spirit of love from Whom everything emerged. As the human being Jesus He worked in Me and I worked out of Him and with Him.... but what worked was His spirit, the eternal, inscrutable spirit of love, Which is unlimited, Which therefore was not bound in any form either, Which controlled all of infinity, Which was strength and light, love and will and Which expressed Itself in the creation of countless spiritual beings....

I, too, was such a created being, a child of God, to Whom all the glories of His love were accessible, but Who had also professed Himself in free will when the army of originally created spirits rebelled against Him in the awareness of the abundance of strength which made them arrogant and brought them down. I had emerged from God's emanation of love which powerfully drew Me to Him. I was set free as an independent being, but again and again I was drawn back to the original source of strength, which made Me blissfully happy and yet I was not able to see it. Yet I also saw the spiritual apostasy, I saw how the divine strength of love emanated into countless creations and I knew the purpose of this creation, which was to serve the return of the fallen spiritual. And My will of love became overpowering to involve Myself in the redemption of this fallen spiritual being.... to create opportunities for it to take up the position again which the spiritual being had voluntarily left. I knew about God's eternal plan of salvation, the eternal love and creator of God-like beings which wanted to withdraw from Their expression of love....

They voluntarily left the association with God and thereby forfeited their divinity. Consequently, they became powerless and lightless, and this powerless and lightless spiritual substance, which had fled from God's love, hardened into solid substance which was still spiritual in itself but incapable of creating and shaping activity.... But eternal love seized this substance and shaped it according to its will into creations of the most diverse kind. Again, God's immeasurable love was at work and His wisdom determined it to integrate the spiritual substance wanting to escape from Him into a process of change, the aim of which is the complete return of this spiritual substance to its origin. This plan of salvation made Me happy and My love for the apostate spirit moved Me to help it if it should fail.... I knew about My mission as the man Jesus from the very beginning because I offered Myself for it, but I also knew about the union with divine love which was to crown this work of Mine....

(11.6.1951) For the being was indeed created by God, the eternal love, but only in order to achieve independence as an external being and in this independence to strive towards the original source of the strength of love and in union with it to be able to work to a greater extent, in the same principle but with constantly increasing strength. It is not a dependent state to work in union with eternal love and yet to work together with it; the being's self-awareness remains and yet it is merged with God when it has reached the degree of perfection, since it is completely spiritualized through love.... Then it has become the image of God, and yet it cannot be spoken of several gods, because deification means the same as complete merging with Him.... As a being I once came forth from God, yet in God I found My aim; in a manner of speaking, the created being entered the state of its own free will, which is its destiny but which can never ever be created from God, because perfection in this degree presupposes free will, or else.... there is a difference between a creature and a child of God, the image of the father.... which again finds its final aim in complete fusion with the father. In completely free will I, as a human being on earth, strived for and achieved this aim, so that thus the father and I became one and at the same time humanity, which failed in the process of change, was granted help which extended to all that was bound, which had become weak and helpless due to its apostasy from God.... As a human being I brought it this help, for I gave the divine power and ability to it until the work of redemption had been accomplished in order to motivate people to turn inwards into themselves so that they, too, strive towards the aim which is the meaning and purpose of earthly life.... the union with God through self-shaping into love, which deifies everything and constantly increases the strength because it unites with the elementary strength from Whom it once originated....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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