4623 Adversity and suffering as educational means.... Increase of strength....

April 27, 1949: Book 53

The time ahead of you will require all your strength if you want to do justice to the demands life expects of you. I must repeatedly inform you of this in order to make you understand that you can increase the measure of strength yourselves and that it is your own choice as to whether earthly life is difficult or easy for you to bear. For this reason I often let you experience hardship and adversity in order to educate you for this time, when you will only be able to master life if you obtain the strength from Me, if you appeal to Me for it or acquire it through neighbourly actions of love. I constantly remind you of this time by placing you in positions of feeling helpless and abandoned, so that you will turn your eyes and your heart to Me, Who always wants to stand by your side as your guide and advisor. Yet it always necessitates a prayer, as this demonstrates your will towards Me. I will not provide you with strength against your will, since this would make you unsuitable for the battle of survival in the time to come; however, the slightest pleading thought to Me will call Me to your side, then you will noticeably feel the influx of strength and your faith will become stronger, and that is My intention. Only your heartfelt union with Me with make life bearable for you, for then no earthly worry will depress you because you will leave everything to Me and truly not do badly, because a child which unconditionally entrusts itself to the Father will never be disappointed by Him. And thus you can also be certain of being helped in every way, by merely believing in My love and My omnipotence, for I will truly not leave anyone in adversity who takes refuge in Me....


Translated by: Heidi Hanna

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