4513 Assurance of protection at time of great need.... act of destruction....

December 15, 1948: Book 52

You have My word that I will not leave you in distress.... If now the hour will come when everything will falter around you and certain death will be in front of your eyes, remember My words and do not be afraid.... Then I will hold My hand protectively over you and will not let any harm come to you. Then trust in Me, Who alone can help you, Who also commands the elements of nature to spare you who want to serve Me. And you will live even if death will reap abundantly around you, as it is proclaimed in word and scripture. For you are to bear witness to the truth of My word, you are to speak afterwards so that what I offer you from above will continue from mouth to mouth. You are to give strength and comfort to the survivors, you are to enlighten the unbelievers and make them aware of God's will, which is made known to them through you. You are to instruct the doubters and warn people who deny Me, who don't want to acknowledge Me, you are to point all people to the last judgment, to the day which means an end on this earth for all people, good and evil. I need you for this work and therefore also protect your life, and if I give you this assurance you can look forward to what is to come completely carefree, for I will always help you if you are in need and also always give you strength to endure earthly tribulations which you still have to take upon yourselves for the sake of your soul's maturity. You will not live in order much longer, you will only have a short time left to care for and build up your earthly life.... Then the day will come which will destroy everything again which you have laboriously built up for yourselves.... the day which will bring such enormous changes that you would no longer wish to live if you did not know about everything. Then strong demands will be made on your faith.... Then you will have to prove how far you have penetrated spiritual knowledge, the truth, for this alone will give you strength, whereas anyone who does not know the truth will despair, for he will lose all faith in a God of love and omnipotence, for My reign and activity is incomprehensible to him. You should enlighten them and inform them of My plan of salvation, of their earthly task and their destiny. You should point out to them the near end and inform them of your knowledge about it and your mission. And blessed are those who believe you, who take your teachings to heart and turn to Me.... The day is near, therefore be eager in your activity for Me and My kingdom, make use of every hour and bear in mind that only the spiritual endures, but the earthly perishes and therefore should not be taken seriously. For there is only one thing you need to do to protect your soul from harm, I will protect the body or release your soul from its cover when its time has come....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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