3684 Temptations....

February 12, 1946: Book 46

Don't fall prey to the temptations which again and again approach you through My permission. The enemy of your souls constantly endeavours to win you over for himself and again and again he lays snares for you in which you shall become entangled, he tries to bring you down knowing that you can only rise with difficulty and that he can then exploit your weakness for himself. And I don't prevent his plan because I have granted him a certain power over your souls in the human stage, because you have to decide of your own free will and with My help and grace you can also escape his power. I allow his activity but constantly warn and admonish you so that you will resist and be mindful and not distance yourselves from Me.... so that I can help you at any time if you call upon Me and request My help. The strength to resist is always at your disposal, therefore make use of it, come to Me in every physical and spiritual tribulation so that I will help you and don't leave yourselves to My adversary without resistance, for only through battle will you ascend, only through battle will you become stronger and superior to the enemy. You can always accept strength from Me and use it against him, and you will remain victorious because your will turns away from My adversary. And don't become of little faith and fearful when temptations approach you, no matter how threatening. This is His weapon to make you despondent in order to weaken your resistance; but you should know that there is one Who can give you strength in abundance and that you therefore need not fear any temptation, no matter how obviously it approaches you. The will to victory should only inspire you, then you will also be victorious, but the will must be serious. You are constantly surrounded by evil forces which want to bring about your spiritual downfall, but you also constantly have helpers at your side who come from the kingdom of light and who helpfully assist you on My behalf, if only you call upon Me.... And commend yourselves to them daily, let them be your protectors through your will and your devotion to Me and to all spiritual beings full of light which are closely united with Me and thus also work according to My will. Let them take care of you and mentally transfer the burden which oppresses you to them and you will feel relief, you will no longer be timid, you will calmly and equanimously face every temptation and thus also overcome it.... You are constantly assured of My protection and My help, for although I have granted My adversary power over you, power is nevertheless also available to you in the same measure, for I also want to win you, and My aim is truly the right.... Only because of your freedom of will do I allow the fight and temptations on the part of the adversary, for only in freedom of will can you reach the aim of becoming perfect and thus blissfully happy for all eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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