8904 (Continued from No. 8903) Enlightenment on light beings....

January 1, 1965: Book 93

I will introduce you to the truth, as I have promised you.... But you must also believe Me unconditionally that I.... as the eternal truth Itself.... cannot teach you anything but the right way. You are still often taken captive by error, and that especially then when you believe to be instructed out of the world of spirits.... and if you now accept everything without hesitation.... This world.... i.e. its inhabitants.... also have their freedom, which is respected until they themselves think better of it. And they therefore build up a thought building for themselves, from which they do not want to depart. And I therefore cannot do compulsion to them because also the will of those gives them a foundation who let themselves be taught by them without the desire to only experience purest truth. They believe everything without hesitation what is supplied to them. Since I therefore make the supply of truth dependent on the desire of man for it, but on the other hand do not curtail the will and also these communications are partial truth, then man only needs to connect himself intimately with Me before, and I will let him recognize where error has crept in. Because it is the same in the kingdom on the other side as on earth: Every soul creates the surroundings for itself as it wishes and has that what it strove for in earth life. But the number of those who do not see in Jesus the redeemer of men is exceedingly great, but the circle of those will always separate, who have lived right and just in earth life, but still could not find a right answer to the question about Jesus, because they did not think about it, because they looked at Him as a high standing man, therefore always only paid more or less attention to the teachings of their church, but who themselves knew no right explanation and just did not want to believe the incarnation of God in Jesus and therefore also found no redemption from their original sin. This spiritual world is to be found in the majority, but it also cannot be called completely faithless, only its train of thought is wrongly directed. And these souls are inclined to accept the teachings, which are offered to them by those who already had a teaching activity on earth. Since they do not want to be active against My will, I let them, although they lack the deepest knowledge, although they can always only teach the other souls as far as their knowledge reaches. Hence they are not filled by My spirit, which introduces them to all deeper knowledge and cannot be so either, because the awakening of the spirit is the result of the redemption from their original sin.... Therefore it is also not possible for them to instruct the souls about the incarnation of God in Jesus. The state of those souls is always the same and will also not change unless a higher being of light enters amongst these teachers, but whose knowledge is not readily accepted.... Again the deep desire belongs to it, to stand in truth, but which in those.... since they believe they possess the truth.... does not break through. And nevertheless I allow the activity of the teachers to also help those to knowledge of the gospel who are willing to love and then, according to their own attitude towards truth, want to experience the reason and meaning of the work of redemption and direct the request for forgiveness of their guilt of sin to Jesus Christ.... And then they are also further introduced into the right knowledge.... Where love is strong and redemption has not yet gone ahead, there love will triumph and very soon the knowledge about the human being Jesus.... in Whom God Himself embodied Himself.... will be the consequence of this and thus also the redemption from all guilt.... But as long as no instructions are given about it, knowledge is also not yet available, because this is only the result of the redemption which has taken place, because only then all connections are light and clear and then it can also be made use of in the right way...._>Amen

Translated by: Doris Boekers

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