8871 Personal words of the lord....

October 20, 1964: Book 93

I need your firm faith, which will therefore still often be put to the test, be it messages which reach you from above or also inner spiritual adversities.... Then you should always take refuge in Me, Who truly arranges everything so that it will not be difficult for you to believe.... Leave everything to Me, and I will also make hearts receptive to these messages, which only ever serve to convey the pure truth to people. For anyone who thinks will find the solution acceptable, he will not be offended by the fact that one is attacked who hitherto was considered untouchable by them.... He will be able to reason logically and solve these questions as I Myself have done.... according to the pure truth. In times of spiritual distress a call to Me is enough to now also attain inner peace again.... I know about every stirring of the human heart, I also know about the weakness of faith which still causes you trouble.... But again and again I tell you that My angels protect you, for I still need you, and you will not leave this earthly valley until your task is completely fulfilled.... until I have conveyed the truth through you to those who are open to it, who still seek and will also find it through you.... And whether they are also only few, they can again pass on what was given to them through you from above.... And if you keep this promise then also your suffering will be taken from you, for truly nothing is impossible for Me, I am a lord over life and death, and My gift to you is a life in full power, which is granted to you as long as you work for Me.... and since for the sake of men it shall not be a compulsion of faith for them, full health will slowly be returned to you, but believe that no thing is impossible for Me and that I still need your services.... Accept My word as full truth, which will be fulfilled exactly as those predictions which were given to you and which have now been confirmed. Your faith is still weak, yet I will bring it to that strength that it is unshakeable and will stand firm until the end...._>Amen

Translated by: Doris Boekers

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