6992 Only through 'love' does man come to knowledge....

December 12, 1957: Book 74

I will never place a barrier in your knowledge, for this is your aim, to regain the light of realization which you once possessed and voluntarily gave away. But I Myself cannot give you the light, you must acquire it again yourselves and I will never place the slightest obstacle in your way. The full recognition of Myself and the voluntary union with Me remove all barriers which still exist as long as you are distant from Me and which therefore also signify lightlessness. But once the union with Me has been restored, this cannot result in anything other than that you dwell in My circle of light, that you yourselves are therefore also permeated by light.... And light is knowledge.... Only one thing is necessary, that you are so intimately united with Me again in order to be able to receive My emanation of light and love. But as long as you live on this earth as a human being you lack the right belief that you can enter into such an intimate union with Me that you, as it were, merge with My spirit of love.... And because you are not able to believe this with conviction, the barriers still exist and your knowledge remains limited. But you can let your faith grow ever stronger through your will and through a life of love. No other advice can be given to you than to always practice love so that you thereby cause Me Myself to unite with you.... As God I appear too distant to you; but if you know that I am love then you also know that I must be with you in every work of love which you unselfishly carry out. And thus you have a certain guarantee that you will be able to make contact with Me, for it is possible for all of you to practice love, for all of you can do good works without self-interest.... And you will also soon be able to convince yourselves that your knowledge will then also expand, that it has to become light in you, because I Myself am the light which then enlightens your hearts, because My presence also expresses itself in such a way that the darkness is chased away and that a peace enters your hearts which is always the sign of divine unity. You shall regain your former fullness of light and strength because it alone also guarantees you bliss. And because I want this, because it is My aim that you will be blissfully happy without limitation, help will always be given to you from Me but I will never prevent you from reaching your aim. And if you come to Me in believing prayer and ask Me to smooth the paths for you which lead into the kingdom of light, then you can also be certain that your earthly course will be shaped such that you will reach the aim. But I cannot impart knowledge to you humans against your will, i.e. give you light. Yet I can always admonish you to love, and you should comply with My admonitions and then tear down all barriers yourselves which separate you from Me and thus also from the light. It has been a long way, for the deepest depths held you captive, death and night surrounded you and the distance from Me was immeasurable.... And you have already come considerably closer to Me, only a short distance still separates us, and you must now still try to overcome this in earthly life. You are no longer in deepest darkness, a small light shines for all of you because I Myself have placed a tiny spark of light in you so that you shall find the path to Me, back to your former state of bliss.... But you should let this light of love become a bright flame yourselves, and the distance between us will become smaller and smaller, you will come closer and closer to Me, because this flame of love constantly flares up towards Me and because it forces the original light from eternity to unite with this flame.... And only your love achieves this, that you intimately unite with Me again, as it was in the beginning.... that you radiate in light and strength again, because you now constantly accept these from Me again and no longer oppose Me. This is your aim, which you can all achieve as long as you stay on earth if only you constantly work in love.... For love and I are one, and thus I Myself must be in every person who lives in love, and where I Myself am there is light and strength and bliss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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