5770 Serious examination with call for God....

September 15, 1953: Book 63

You should not carelessly reject words which come to you from above, and if you don't recognize the outcome of these words, if you don't believe that they come from above, you should nevertheless check their value before you reject them. For your remorse will be great one day when you realize what you have let pass you by, what treasure you could have gained and what bliss you could have acquired.... This applies above all to those who unhesitatingly accept other spiritual knowledge when it is offered to them from a studied side, and who also make much spiritual knowledge their own by reading and listening to lectures, who therefore would like to be knowledgeable and thus could also carry out an examination if they were serious about it. To be able to make the right judgement intellectually alone must be denied to the examinees, for this requires the support of the divine spirit, which every human being can request. Nevertheless, the word offered from above is also stimulating enough for an intellectual person to think about, and it also stands up to intellectual scrutiny. Only then the seeker would have one more direction of thought to present himself with which he can mentally deal; yet the conviction of its sole truth is only gained through God's call for His support, for the enlightenment of his thinking, for the supply of pure truth. And this call only comes from a person's heart when he acknowledges God as the sole truth and the source of all knowledge. People who have no desire whatsoever to be instructed in truth will always reject everything, and one day they will also hardly come to realization, yet there are more thinking people on earth than those who are indifferent to everything, and these thinkers should not put the results of intellect before the results of spiritual activity, for it is precisely they who can judge whether and to what extent wisdom shines forth from those words which are represented as received from above. And therefore they will not be able to excuse themselves one day, for only their will is necessary in order to take a stand on this word and then also to recognize it for what it is.... as God’s word Who wants to help people attain truth and right thinking and Who therefore takes care of people because they are darkened in spirit and lack all knowledge.... And every person can attain the truth who earnestly desires it from God....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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