4904 Admonition to stand firm in faith....

May 24, 1950: Book 55

Everything you have to endure for My sake will be repaid to you. Therefore remain steadfast and always remember that the body can indeed be taken from you but not the soul; that the body can indeed be killed but the soul will not suffer death at the hands of its enemies. Remain steadfast in your faith in Me as the son of God and redeemer of the world, for they want to take this faith away from you, they will prevent the knowledge of Me and My act of salvation, they want to displace Me from people's thoughts and achieve this through brutal measures which are very suitable to make the weak believers waver. But then trust in Me, Who will help you in every earthly adversity and can also protect you against these measures if I deem it good. Strengthen your faith, let it become so firm that you stand above everything the world wants to do to you. Remember My words: I will repay you for everything you have to suffer for My sake.... If your faith is strong the measures of the earthly rulers will not affect you, they will not frighten you because you recognize your lord in Me Who protects His servants, because you see your father in Me Who lovingly cares for His children and protects them from the enemy of the soul. The world will badly oppress you on the impetus of it, yet you will be able to resist it if only you join Me, if you draw Me into the battle against the enemy, Who will truly fight by your side in order to gain victory over him for you. You must not be afraid of him and openly confess Me and My name, you must not remain silent, for you shall speak where they want to silence Me.... I need you to bear witness to Me when people are afraid to confess Me. Then you should loudly proclaim My working in and on you, then you should provide them with the evidence of what strength of faith is capable of, you should not fear for your life, which has no value if you sell your soul, but you should also be willing to surrender your life and exchange it for a far more glorious life in the spiritual kingdom. But you will only be called away where it is My will, for you will not be able to be harmed against My will. And therefore I call out to you: Hold out and remain steadfast until the end, believe in My promise that I will come in the greatest adversity in order to save you and fetch you away from the place of ruin, from the kingdom of the devils.... Expect Me and do not fear, for My word will be fulfilled when the time comes. And I will truly not let My own fall into the hands of My adversary. I will come to fetch them into a kingdom of peace, and blessed will be those who are strong and persevere until the end....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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73/3 Admonitions And Warnings Part 3 ePub   PDF   Kindle  
73/4 Admonitions And Warnings Part 4 ePub   PDF   Kindle  
158 Promises Of Jesus - “Who Appreciates Me In The World” ePub   PDF   Kindle  


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