4594 God speaks through the heart.... the opponent of God through the mind....

March 24, 1949: Book 53

Obviously I want to manifest Myself to you, yet if you still don't recognize Me even then because your will of rejection is stronger, My enticements will be in vain. Do not resist My grace, do not step out of the glow of My sun of love and pay attention to what is happening around you. For I will become clearer if you do not understand My language of love. Anyone who wants to be active for God works for God with every thought and every action, anyone who puts the world first works for God's adversary.... And this is the yardstick for determining which will motivates a person to be active, for if a person's will applies to Me he is also My labourer and, as My servant, will also be fully provided by Me with spiritual and earthly possessions. But anyone who works for Me should do so with his heart and not just with his intellect, for his intellect is truly not enough if he wants to pass judgment. Anyone who wants to serve Me will never be abandoned by Me with My grace, and he need never fear that an opposing power is stronger than Me and can overpower him. Anyone who thus desires Me has already withdrawn his will from My adversary and can no longer be determined by him to act and think wrongly. He just has to pay attention to the heart's feeling and not allow the intellect to rule, for I speak to you humans through the heart and your heart will truly always let you recognize what is right, whereas the intellect is the door where My adversary seeks entrance and often finds it. Keep this door closed in front of him, withdraw into the chamber of the heart where it is light and bright, so that the sun of My love sends its rays into it and gives everyone who wants to serve Me what he needs in abundance. Become like children, listen to the father's voice and follow it, and no harm will come to you, because then the father will be constantly present to you and protect you in every adversity and danger....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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