4411 Fight with the sword of the mouth.... assistance of God....

August 20, 1948: Book 51

My spirit will be upon you if you testify for Me and My kingdom. Therefore do not fear any spiritual debate which earthly-minded people conduct with you but firmly believe that it is not you who speak but that I Myself speak through you, because it is necessary that people are instructed in such a way that they should become suspicious. The battle with the sword of the mouth will be waged victoriously by My own because I Myself am with them and no-one can resist Me. Yet people are still free to acknowledge Me and My working, and thus it is also My plan from eternity that My gospel will indeed find entry to people everywhere but it is still the individual's free will whether they want to become My followers through the gospel. The truth comes from above and can also be recognized as a mission from above, and thus people are truly offered the pure gospel which they could and will accept without hesitation if they have the right attitude towards Me and always approach Me in prayer for My advice and support. Then the truth is acceptable, they will seek spiritual debates and again and again seek clarification where it is still dark in them. But those who are still blinded by the glamour of the world, who still desire earthly goods and strive for offices, are not My true disciples, and the pure truth will not be particularly palatable to them, they far prefer to persist in erroneous views and teachings which are more pleasing to their worldly mind and leave the pure truth unnoticed, which is why they will not feel the benefit of light either and every extraordinary reference to Me will remain without impression. I offer the bread of heaven to everyone, anyone who accepts it as food for his soul will recover and draw strength, he will mature in his soul, increase in realization and completely turn away from the world, for his foot has already entered the kingdom which is his true home, which is far more desirable to him than this world. My working is too obvious to him, he gives credence to all My revelations and constantly increases in wisdom and strength....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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