3774 Light from the height....

May 18, 1946: Book 48

Heaven lets its light shine down to earth but earth remains dark, it refuses to accept the light, for the inhabitants of earth have their eyes fixed on the kingdom of darkness which occasionally emits a glow of fire but which is only satan's deception. And they greedily seek to catch this illusionary light and pay no attention to the gentle light which comes from above. Only a few accept it, and for these the spell of darkness is broken, they have escaped the night and are walking towards a bright morning. Why do you people hesitate to receive the light from the heavens? Why do you chase after a deceptive light and do not let yourselves be taught about its unworthiness? Why do you not want to receive from above what the depths can never offer you? Why do you not muster the will to free yourselves from the power that holds you in the darkness of the spirit?.... Because you are no longer able to believe in the Giver of light, in an almighty, wise and loving creator of eternity Who also created you and truly for a different purpose than the one you strive for. Consider how meaningless your existence is when you imagine that tomorrow can already bring your physical end.... What use is that which you so eagerly strive to attain, what use are earthly goods to you if your body has ceased to be? Your soul will then meet a dreadful fate, for it is without any spiritual possession and therefore without strength, it is dead but not extinguished.... Let yourselves be taught if the bearers of light step into your path, listen to them and ponder their words, and with an earnest will you will recognize that their words are not empty, that they carry life within them, that they are well to be believed as soon as a creator is acknowledged from eternity.... and seek to gain faith in a creator through reflection and questions which you send into infinity.... And the light from the heavens will also touch you and you will feel its benefit, a mild and gentle glow will fall into your heart, your spirit will be enlightened and the desire for ever brighter light will stir within you and find fulfilment. Let the light from above have an effect on you, don't flee from it, for this light alone will bring you life, it is not a deceptive light but imparts spiritual possessions to you, the striving for which means bliss for you and brings bliss.... escape the darkness through your will and you will live....


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