1470 Awakening faith.... Deep unshakable faith....

June 13, 1940: Book 24

Every faith makes demands on man, and when he fulfils these demands, he acknowledges faith, i.e., he positions himself affirmatively to it. He is therefore believing when he complies with the demands, but rejects faith when he ignores the demands. Who now believes in God, will also make it his business to fulfil what God demands of him, provided he also loves the being, which is for him the concept of God. But faith and love are inseparably connected with each other because to believe in God means to also recognize him as a being, which is the epitome of deepest love, highest power perfection and unimaginable wisdom. And man must love something so perfect, and he will also do out of this love everything what God demands of him. Therefore faith is the first prerequisite for a successful earth life. And without faith man can never record even the smallest success for his soul. Because only faith in God lets man recognize his origin, and the awareness to have started from exactly this divinity lets him again strive for unification with it. And this striving for the union with God is the actual purpose of earth life.... Without faith however man is not prepared for any spiritual work. He does not open his heart to spiritual power, which wants to be helpful to him, because he does not affirm such power at all. But again faith cannot be awakened in man compulsorily, but he is to adjust himself out of free, inner conviction affirmatively to him. And so God can only indirectly come to the aid of man by him stimulating his thoughts and man now asks himself questions about things inexplicable to him. When man does not want to recognize his exit out of God, another explanation of his existence will satisfy him just as little, so that he now sends this question into infinity, from where it will now also be answered for him. Different thoughts will now flow to him, and again it depends on his will, to which thoughts he gives.... ear. Faith must slowly become alive in him. But this again depends on whether man is lovingly active. Man can, also without being believing, unconsciously strive towards good, and such a man will also undoubtedly find to faith. An unloving man on the other hand will never ever give access to such thoughts, which lead to faith. Unkindness always results in greater darkening of the spirit, and man is still so far from the right faith. The firmness and depth of faith is again a gift of favour from God, which is then imparted to the believing earth child when it intimately asks for it, because through a deep, unshakable faith unimaginable powers are at the disposal of man, and such a measure of favour must be consciously asked for before the love of God imparts it to the earth child. Therefore man must already be believing, i.e. recognize God and want to fulfil his demands and then declare his readiness to accept for extraordinary supply of favour. He must do more than is demanded of him. He must stand in fullest conviction that no thing is impossible for God, and now put.... this faith into action to do what is the will of God, regardless of his human powerlessness.... he must desire the power out of God to supply unbelieving men with the proof of the existence of a God being, which is full of love, wisdom and omnipotence.... .


(This translation was created by an „artificial intelligence“ using the original documents ‘Word of God’ received through the ‘Inner Word’ by Bertha Dudde.)

Translated by: Heidi Hanna

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