0901 Checking this work.... receptivity for direct word....

May 7, 1939: Book 18

It is of utmost importance to examine with a certain caution and not to unconditionally accept anything that is also offered to the human being.... as long as this commandment is the human being's own good, i.e. has come into being as a purely earthly work without recourse to divine help. Such a work cannot be accepted cautiously enough, since human error must always be taken into consideration and thus the truth must often be doubted. However, this precautionary measure does not apply to announcements which directly reach people from above and everything which is transmitted to people in this way by spiritual forces can undoubtedly be accepted. It is only the human being who is sometimes unable to grasp the correct meaning, be it that his train of thought digresses from the actual content or also that he has not fulfilled certain preconditions through which it is possible for him to penetrate divine wisdom. Nothing can be explained so exhaustively that it can also be understood by a person who refrains from all spiritual striving, for this is not in the spirit of the divine creator.... It will be recognized by anyone who is interested in the truth and at the same time endeavours to fulfil the demands made on him.... However, anyone who only wants to receive a purely scientific explanation has to be content with words which seem incomprehensible to him, and he first has to make an effort to find the right attitude before the meaning of the words is also comprehensible to him. Thus the lord always and at all times gave.... easily understandable words to those who desired His word out of the love of their heart, yet incomprehensible to those who only desired to know but did not adhere to the content of the gifts from above, thus did not follow the divine word either. To them they were only dead letters, without meaning and without effect.... And it went down in value, what they could not understand through their own fault lost its value. However, those who thoroughly study the word of God.... who make every effort to turn the word into action, will fully understand what is imparted to them and the slightest doubt will be removed if only they faithfully submit it to the lord. And it is enough for you to know that all strength from God is at work to help you attain profound faith and that nothing will be left undone in order to eradicate even the last doubt in you, so that the devotion to your saviour will become ever more intimate and make you receptive for the divine word in direct form.... and you thus reach the state of complete detachment of the soul from the body. Then no message will be incomprehensible to you anymore but you will receive everything at the same time with the ear, the heart and the spirit.... And this is the surest guarantee of the truthfulness of the divine words, yet your faith should already be so strong beforehand, for the saviour can approach anyone who believes firmly and unshakably and make him happy through His presence and His word....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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