5642 Gifts of the spirit....

April 1, 1953: Book 62

Your constant endeavour should be to develop the gifts of the spirit within you, for then you will be able to say with certainty: The lord is in Me.... for then it will no longer be you who speak, think or act, but I Myself am in you and work in you through My spirit. But I also want to prove My presence to you, I want to reward your faith, which has to be present where My spirit wants to express itself.... And I want to transfer My strength of love to you in such a way that you will be able to do whatever you want, so that My strength will become visible in you. The strength of your faith now also determines the gift of the spirit which now falls to you, which you have, as it were, acquired through faith and love.... For the degree of love determines the measure of strength supply, which again has the effect of strong faith and the strength of faith now makes it possible to work miracles, thus My spirit's expression is requested in excess without doubting that I now do what the human being requests.... Every supernatural gift is, as it were, a miracle, yet it is actually only a natural process for someone who already has realization, who knows that I am love, that love is strength and that you can draw this strength of love from Me if you yourselves develop love within yourselves and thus cause Me Myself to work. Gifts of the spirit are always only signs of the establishment of the being's original state or relationship with Me. The right relationship must inevitably also guarantee an abundance of light and strength, and in this abundance of light and strength the human being will also think, speak and act full of light and strength, he will have knowledge, he will be able to speak in wisdom, he will be able to instruct and enlighten people, he will know everything that is connected with Me. Hence he will have the gift of wisdom and be exceedingly active for his fellow human beings because he will be able to give them light; he will have unusual strength at his disposal and therefore be able to accomplish things which are regarded as miracles by people and yet can only be achieved by using My strength of love. Gifts of the spirit are all those unusual abilities which require divine strength, which therefore cannot be acquired by the human intellect but can always be acquired by a heart willing to love. Gifts of the spirit always prove the intimate connection with Me, because it is I Myself Who reveals Myself through such gifts, and therefore a person who keeps away from Me, who has not already established the connection, the right relationship with Me through loving activity, cannot demonstrate a gift of the spirit. But how I express Myself through a person depends on the mission a person has taken on; it depends on his strength of will and faith in which way My strength, My spirit, takes effect.... Yet My spirit will always testify to Me, thus every spiritual gift will glorify Me and My name, testify to Me and My teaching and be able to lead people to faith in Me, for this is the working of My spirit, that it wants to lead people to Me, that the father-spirit of eternity is striven for, that the human being feels inwardly urged to establish the connection with Me in order to then be seized by My love which will never let him fall again.

And therefore it is always possible to speak of the working of the spirit where work is done for Me and My kingdom if this happens in a living way. Gifts of the spirit, however, are obviously recognizable and require a particularly strong faith and also an activity of love which has resulted in this faith. For I Myself can reveal Myself through such a person and, as it were, let My manifestation of strength become visible, but this is only ever intended to awaken faith in fellow human beings, yet with respect for free will, for My spiritual gifts do not necessitate it, apart from the gift of healing the sick, which can certainly leave a deeper impression which could determine people's faith.... But even such faith first has to come alive through love.... thus the human being will certainly no longer be able to deny unusual things which relate to Me, but he will only derive the right benefit from the realization of this if he himself lets his faith become a living one through love.... which is why this gift of the spirit can also be a blessing if it is correctly recognized. You should all strive for gifts of the spirit, yet not for the sake of visible success but for the sake of the strength of faith.... you should strive for them in order to be able to give a living testimony of the union with Me, Who now works in you through My spirit. Anyone who can demonstrate gifts of the spirit is in fully conscious contact with Me, he has already felt Me Myself and his zeal for Me and My kingdom is now understandable and is promoted by Me through the gifts of the spirit. Nevertheless, even such spiritual gifts are not always recognized by fellow human beings, because an awakened spirit is also necessary for the recognition of divine expressions of strength, for the recognition of My revelations, because only people who are willing to love have awakened the spirit within themselves which then enlightens them and gives them brightness, which now also directs their thinking, willing and speaking correctly. But where My spirit still slumbers in a person, understanding cannot be expected for processes which can be explained purely spiritually, for spiritual gifts which require living faith but which also require living faith in order to be recognized....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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