6274 Distance from God and wrong attitude towards Him....

June 3, 1955: Book 67

The distance between people and God is increasing and time is coming to an end.... Only very few narrow this distance, and these are the people who belong to the church of christ, who stand in living faith, which was awakened to life through works of love. They are the few people who do not lose themselves to the world but live consciously, i.e. seek to fulfil God's will.... These come closer to Him, and they need not think of the coming end with horror, for they also know that and why the end has to come and that it only means the beginning of a new life for them.... in the kingdom beyond or in the paradise of the new earth.... And the distance from God must be reduced beforehand if the end is not to become ruin for the soul.... For distance from God inevitably means hardening of the spiritual substance, thus transformation into hardest matter.... Distance from God means powerlessness, thus inability to be active.... a state which hard matter obviously exhibits. For the divine strength of love cannot flow through the spiritual substance which resists Him, and therefore it is completely without strength, and it remains in its powerless state for eternal times until it begins to give up resistance.... As a human being you feel full of strength and therefore you don't consider it possible that this fate awaits you.... and you don't consider it possible because, due to your remoteness from God, you are completely ignorant of the aim you are supposed to achieve on earth and that you are completely opposed to your destiny.... that there can therefore be no other fate for you than a new banishment into matter, precisely because you completely distance yourselves from God.... because you don't acknowledge Him as long as you don't live according to His will.... even if you confess God with your mouth.... And this attitude towards God will have extremely painful consequences for you.... How seldom does a man remember his creator and father from eternity.... He is constantly filled with worldly thoughts, all doing and thinking is turned towards earthly things, the day is begun and ended with earthly worries and with earthly activity.... There is no time left for Him Who gave them life, and if they think of Him, then without any sense of responsibility towards Him. They switch Him off and in a few cases are content with a public hour of "worship" because this has become a tradition for them.... There is no more life in the churches which are supposed to bear witness to God; there is no spirit in them, and the spirit cannot therefore be in people because there is no more love in them, because love alone reduces the distance from God and without love the gulf is almost unbridgeable.... And faith in God will only ever be alive where hearts are filled with love.... And thus you will also be able to judge for yourselves from people's degree of love on earth that the distance from God will always increase and therefore an end is also inevitable.... because people bring it on themselves through their attitude towards God.... The gifts of grace available to human beings.... They do not use their intellect, free will and abilities to come closer to God but to strive away from Him more and more, and thus they will lose these gifts of grace.... They will be unfree and powerless again for endless times.... they will sink into a depth from which they had already laboriously worked their way up.... But in free will they have striven towards the depth again and thus voluntarily distanced themselves from God, and this will determines their fate as soon as the end of this earth has come....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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