6792 Rejecting Jesus Christ equals rejecting God....

March 26, 1957: Book 72

You cannot enter the realms of the blessed as long as you still resist Me Myself insofar as you do not acknowledge the redeemer Jesus Christ, in Whom I embodied Myself.... Therefore, if you reject Him you also reject Me Myself, even though you pretend to believe in one God.... Jesus Christ and I are one.... and whether it is still a mystery to you humans, to all imperfect spiritual beings. One day you, who have not yet come to believe in Him, will also be able to understand it. But let it nevertheless be said to you and repeated again and again that you cannot come to Me if you don't take the path via Jesus Christ.... Don't reject Him if you don't want to reject Me Myself as well, but try to find out from your God and creator why Jesus Christ has to be acknowledged in order to attain beatitude.... And this explanation will truly be given to you in such a way that it will bring you full understanding. The fact that many people lost faith in Jesus Christ and His act of salvation was due to the often wrong teaching about it, which was not to their liking and therefore caused them to reject everything connected with Him and the act of salvation. But a correct explanation can also restore your faith again if only you are seriously willing to listen to this very explanation: that your souls are burdened with a great guilt of sin which is also the reason for your life on earth and that this guilt of sin makes the entry into the kingdom of light, into the kingdom of beatitude, completely impossible.... that therefore the guilt of sin has to be redeemed first before the gates into that kingdom open.... that one made atonement for you for this guilt, the man Jesus, Who suffered on the cross and died for you in order to redeem this guilt of sin, in order to open the gates for you.... that in this human being Jesus I embodied Myself on earth because I, as the eternal love, wanted to accomplish the act of salvation for you, which therefore had to take place in a human external shell so that you could take notice of it, because spiritual activity could not be visible to you and because you had to know about the act of salvation in order to voluntarily join the group of sinners who can find redemption.... The great sin, however, was that you once refused to acknowledge Me as your God and father, that you turned away from Me and followed another who was My adversary.... Hence you now have to acknowledge Me again of your own free will, and since I embodied Myself in the human being Jesus in order to suffer and die for you, the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ and the act of salvation is also at the same time an acknowledgement of Me, which you once denied Me. For only the outer shell was human, what this outer shell contained was I Myself.... He and I have become one.... The human shell contained love in all its fullness, the original substance is the eternal deity, thus I Myself filled the man Jesus, Who therefore completely deified Himself on earth and Whose external form also united with Me and therefore was also able to ascend into My kingdom after His death.... You cannot separate Me from Jesus Christ, for He was I and I was He.... only that I assumed a form for you humans and for all beings in the spiritual kingdom, because otherwise I could not be visible to all beings created by Me. In the form of the man Jesus you can therefore imagine Me Myself, you can see Me when you see Him.... But you will only be able to see Him when you acknowledge Him as your God and father from eternity, when you devote yourselves to Him and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins.... when you take the path to the cross, which alone leads to Me, to eternal life in bliss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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