6957 The faith that can move mountains....

October 30, 1957: Book 74

You are all not yet strong enough in faith otherwise not the slightest doubt would befall you when you turn to Me in heartfelt prayer. You lack the strength of faith which can move mountains.... Although I always want you to submit yourselves to My will, to completely enter into My will, with strong faith you would not doubt that My will is other than to give you what you ask for.... For this is the strength of faith that you feel at one with Me and My will, that you feel so intimately united with Me that the same will also controls you, that you no longer feel isolated from Me but that you walk your earthly path in the feeling of complete agreement between My will and yours and therefore also always know that you will only request what I want to give you. You all have to form your bond with Me even more intimately and then you will truly be able to move mountains, for then it will always be Me Who carries out everything you want. And therefore you should ward off every doubt, you should approach Me for help in full faith that I will help you.... For as soon as you sincerely join Me you will only address such requests to Me whose fulfilment will not be detrimental to your soul. And therefore only ever ask yourselves whether you desire something for the soul or only for your body.... I truly do not withhold from the soul what serves it, what is desirable for the body alone I can certainly withhold from you, but then only ever out of love for you so that your soul will not suffer any harm. Yet again and again I tell you that you will only address such requests to Me yourselves which I will grant as soon as you are sincerely devoted to Me. And thus you first have to ask yourselves what kind of bond exists between you and Me.... And as long as you doubt, this bond also leaves much to be desired. For if you are convinced of My presence within you then you will also know that I regulate everything and think and act for you. Then you will also know that nothing is impossible for Me, that I only want you to trust Me.... that I only require strong, unshakeable faith from you in My love, wisdom and power.... You should gain this faith in order to also be able to transfer it to others, and the stronger this faith is within yourselves the more convincing you can also influence your fellow human beings, who shall also attain faith again. You don't doubt My power but you doubt My will.... Therefore you must still be of a different will yourselves, otherwise you would know yourselves to be in complete agreement with Me and then you would not desire anything which does not correspond to My will.... But if you desire, then you should also know that I desire the same for you.... that I therefore also want to fulfil your requests as soon as you submit yourselves to Me and My will. For then you cannot want anything else. And then your prayer will be right and you need not doubt. So only ever strive to let Me be present in you through your will to live to please Me, through heartfelt prayer and unceasing love.... Then you will also always be of the same will as Me and only ever request what I will certainly grant you, for then your will will be Mine and you will only ever request what is beneficial for your soul's salvation....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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