6555 Eternal cycle.... Creative power reservoir....

May 27, 1956: Book 70

It is an eternal law that the fallen original spirits must reach height again, because all power which has been radiated by God also irrevocably returns to God, because this is law in itself that radiated power of love flows towards its source from eternity again and exactly therefore all spiritual beings also take this path, even though in completely different periods of time, because the being itself decides when to return. But it does not eternally remain distant from God, because the distance from God is a state of weakness and confinement, the radiated power, however, must become effective according to its own destiny.... thus in incessant activity the created being walks the path back to its place of origin.... The being which has fallen into the abyss would never decide to become active itself because it feels completely powerless and because no tiny ray of knowledge shines for it.... That is why God puts this being into a working process.... Thus it now carries out a certain activity in a state of compulsion, thus the once radiated power begins to work to a small degree, and this effectiveness testifies to a faint life.... what is completely hardened, thus so to speak has died, stirs and now proves a beginning life. (27.5.1956) And now the upward development begins, for awakening life spreads, and every activity produces new life again, or it contributes to the preservation of it. And this power, which has now thus become effective, is proven in creation where nothing remains unchanged but everything reveals life and further development. Creation is the reservoir of power, for all power once radiated by God, which became ineffective through the separation of the spiritual from God, has been transformed.... The creatural was dissolved and in innumerable small and smallest forms was admitted to activity again.... Every spark of power was assigned an activity, and what was once rigid, hardened, began to stir.... The state of death was broken for the time being because God Himself is life and because His radiation of power cannot remain ineffective forever.... But the power now bound in the works of creation now remains active and in union becomes capable of ever stronger activity.... so that life in creation also becomes more and more recognisable, i.e. that more and more individual beings develop which have already gathered many of the spiritual particles within themselves and therefore also become more and more similar to the once fallen original spirit until it recognises itself in the last form as a human being who has now united all soul substances belonging to him within himself.... Now the power of love once radiated by God, the being, has again reached the degree of effectiveness where it can freely increase this degree by constantly accepting the power flowing to it from God, and thereby the return of power to God takes place.... And then the divine law will have been fulfilled, which means undreamed-of bliss. But the cycle can also be interrupted.... The power possessed by the creatural, the once fallen original spirit, can be used in a negative sense, which would result in a renewed relapse into the abyss.... and this cycle can keep on repeating.... Endless periods of time can pass until the last uniting with God in free will has taken place. But the law remains valid that all power which has emanated from God returns to God.... that it is one day used in the right way, and even if eternities pass, however long the fallen being resists. God is life, and what emanates from God can also only ever be life.... It can indeed fall into a dead state if it prevents the effectiveness of God's irradiation of love through its resistance, but then the being, which is no longer aware of itself, is forced into activity in its individual substances, and then these individual particles awaken to life and the resistance slowly decreases.... And thus the individual being which once came forth from God.... the fallen original spirit.... also comes to life again. But the last uniting with God in free will, the final re-radiation of the power to its origin, must be striven for by that individual being itself, which is why the cycle can also take endless periods of time, but some day will certainly be completed....


Translated by: Christian Taffertshofer

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