6074 Speech of God natural.... truth....

October 9, 1954: Book 65

This is God's will that the truth be spread, and the truth can only be given to people by Himself, because human will cannot keep it pure for long and therefore the earth is constantly shrouded in darkness because it lacks the light.... the eternal truth.... is missing. God in His greater than great love tries everything to help people who walk towards the abyss in darkness; and His ways are often incomprehensible to people, yet precisely because they are still of dark spirit, otherwise they would take it for granted that God speaks to people, that He conveys His word to them directly. Yet His activity and His eternal plan of salvation are unknown to them and therefore they do not know the actual purpose of their existence on earth. And therefore there is no other option but to impart this knowledge to them.... God Himself has to instruct people about the cause and purpose of their earthly life.... He has to inform people through His word and has done so and will always do so as long as people dwell on earth for the purpose of their ascent development. But people are already so far removed from God that they dismiss this fact into the realm of the impossible.... They don't know or believe that God Himself addresses people because they themselves are in a spiritual state which excludes a direct address to God.... Therefore they do not want to believe that only the right spiritual condition is necessary in order to be appreciated by this address of God.... They don't want to believe that God chooses such people to whom He can convey His word directly in order to also communicate to other people through them what they need to know in order to live correctly on earth. It is far more credible that God takes care of His creatures when He knows they are in great spiritual need than that He passes by this need without helping them.... It is far more credible that God speaks to His children as the eternal love than that He remains silent towards them by whom He wants to be acknowledged as a loving father.... God speaks to people and will always and forever speak because He Himself wants the connection between people and Him to be established and because every connection between the child and the father also entails a speech, whereas a God who remains silent will never ever be aspired to as a loving father. How deep is the earth in darkness that people no longer want to recognize a bright light from the heavens as light, but reject it as coming from below.... And how much the darkness is confirmed by this, how much the time of the end is characterized.... Yet God will not withdraw His love and grace for this reason, He will again and again find people who allow Him to express Himself, and through them He will repeatedly make His will known and announce the near end.... And good for those who believe His words.... good for those who believe that God speaks to people because He wants to save them from deepest darkness.... For these will experience His special grace, they will draw comfort and strength from His word when it is necessary to confess Him before the world.... And then it will prove that they are intimately united with Him, that they receive the strength directly from Him, Who is constantly close to them in the word....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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