6068 Excess of grace in coming time....

October 2, 1954: Book 65

I bestow an abundance of grace upon you in the time before the end, for My kingdom obviously descends to you; I Myself repeatedly step into your path so that you can establish contact with Me if only you are willing to do so. You humans make no effort of your own accord to attain the kingdom of God, you don't seek it and thus I approach you Myself in order to entice you to enter My kingdom; I Myself come to you and inform you of My kingdom because I want to receive you in order to protect you from a dreadful fate, from My adversary's kingdom which brings death and ruin. My kingdom is not of this world.... And that is why it is so difficult to win you for this kingdom, because you still seek the world with all your senses. And because there is not much time left until the end, when the earthly world will shatter, I still want to have accepted you into My kingdom beforehand.... and therefore I do everything to achieve this aim. I allow My mercy to prevail, for you yourselves in no way acquire the right for My kingdom.... Justly you should seek and enter the path to Me of your own accord, justly you should make every effort to release your soul from your spiritual adversity.... you should wrestle and ask for mercy. But you do nothing for your spiritual salvation, and you would be lost if I did not exercise My love and grace and come to meet you to offer you the most delicious things: My kingdom.... And this happens so obviously that you should all easily recognize how concerned I am about your life, about life in eternity.... Everything is grace which helps you to eternal life and which you have not earned, which you do not acquire yourselves of your own free will.... In the last days I will pour out a full measure of grace upon you humans.... My kingdom is coming to you.... Enter this kingdom, let yourselves be captivated by My love, make use of the graces.... listen to Me when I approach you in the word.... leave the world, for it can give you nothing that lasts, and seek My kingdom and you will never regret having followed My word.... you shall inherit My kingdom with all its glory.... Therefore, come to your senses before it is too late, for the end is coming and with it the last judgment....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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