6020 Blessing of the word in the hereafter....

August 11, 1954: Book 65

Whatever truth is brought to you through the love of the heavenly father will also go its way according to His eternal plan. Perhaps it will be different from what you think, because the time will soon be fulfilled.... But what His mouth has once spoken is eternally imperishable and echoes everywhere in infinity. For it is not only intended for earth but it is also heard in the spiritual kingdom and its effect is felt.... it kindles bright light which can never go out again.... The effect of His sanctified word in the spiritual kingdom is much stronger.... it is, as it were, the word spoken for the spiritual world, except that it can also be heard on earth if the will and the prerequisites are present. Spiritual beings, however, accept divine gifts as light radiation, and where light can once shine in there is eternally no more darkness, thus the light eternally retains its illuminating power; the divine word.... the emanation of God's love.... can eternally no longer fall into oblivion. But for earth and its inhabitants the word only has this illuminating and powerful effect when there is a desire for it, which is why a gift of grace of unspeakable value can also be completely carelessly rejected, which is why even the brightest light from the heavens loses its illuminating power where it meets closed hearts, yet its bright radiance is discovered in the spiritual kingdom with jubilation and rejoicing and the souls receptive to it open themselves to it. What you humans receive through the transmission of the divine word is of such immense significance and of such inconceivable effect, even if you yourselves pay little attention to its success. It is evaluated, and it can never ever pass away.... And even though people resist it, even though they close their hearts, one earthly child who is willing to receive can nevertheless be a gathering point for countless souls again, which, because their degree of maturity is still below that earthly human being, need a place of teaching which they can voluntarily use.... need a place of learning which they visit voluntarily because they have found it in those spheres in which they still reside. For what applies to earthly people is also still needed by those souls to mature and is gratefully accepted by them. And this is truly without significance for the word itself whether it is accepted or rejected by people.... Once it has been spoken it is everlasting, and it continues to have an effect.... on earth or in the spiritual kingdom; for it is a light which can never go out and will shine for everyone who places himself in its circle of light.... It comes from God, it is His emanation of love which never loses its effect and which must and will touch every soul once it wants to enter eternal life in beatitude....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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