5872 Predictions of worldly events.... false prophets....

February 8, 1954: Book 64

Divine revelations are only sent to earth for the purpose of drawing people's attention to a great danger which threatens their souls.... And worldly events are only mentioned because they are merely the effect of a spiritual low and at the same time the means to remedy it. God only allows worldly events to be announced by His prophets because they are closely related to spiritual development and because they, in turn, are only intended to influence people such that they change their spiritual relationship, that they remember their soul and help it to ascend. The revelations are never intended to influence people in a worldly way, and therefore every such revelation which holds out the prospect of worldly events can be regarded as spiritual information as soon as it is spread by people who obviously endeavour to serve God, to work for His kingdom and to proclaim His word. For such revelations will never be conveyed to earth without the divine word, because proclaiming His word is first the most important task of the one who has the prophetic spirit and who therefore receives both the divine word and the predictions of future world events from above for the purpose of distribution, for the purpose of instructing people who live in spiritual darkness and don't think about their soul. On the other hand, anyone who wants to reveal the future in an earthly sense, anyone who believes he can look into the future with clairvoyance, anyone who informs people of the future for the sake of earthly advantage, is considered a false prophet and must be rejected as untrustworthy, even if he claims to speak on God's behalf.... For a divine commission is only granted to a person who consciously places himself at God's disposal in order to work for His kingdom. But he no longer pays attention to earthly goods and will always strive to liberate his fellow human beings from matter, to present earthly striving to them as useless and only seek to promote the human being's spiritual development, which is why he informs people completely unselfishly of what is made known to him through God's revelation.... You must always consider the purpose of a revelation.... whether only spiritual development or earthly advantages are aimed for.... and you will be able to make a right judgment about the value or unvalue of predictions and adjust your life accordingly. Only that which benefits the soul is to be valued as divine and everything else that promises earthly progress or earthly advantages is to be rejected, for God only reveals Himself for the soul's sake so that it may escape its spiritual adversity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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