4075 God's call to action.... mission....

July 1, 1947: Book 50

You should comply with My voice when you are called to serve Me and thus to fulfil your mission. You will clearly feel it in your heart and all ambiguity will be eliminated, you will also feel inwardly urged to be active for Me, and then you should comply with this urge unhesitatingly, unconditionally hand yourselves over to Me, leave yourselves to My guidance. And then you will do as your heart tells you, for through it I declare Myself. You will perceive My call like clear thoughts and not know whether I have spoken the words which resound in you. And My call will make you happy and glad and you will gladly give up everything in order to comply with Me. Then you will be confronted with the world and its demands but you will also be able to fulfil these with My support, yet the work for Me and My kingdom will always be your main work which you give priority to every activity, and thus this will also be blessed and not hold you back from spiritual work. And this is your task, that you speak wherever you have the opportunity, for you can give much because you possess much, you can teach because you are knowledgeable, and you can always and constantly make My will known to people, you can teach them love and thus bring them the gospel which you have received from Me.... You can show people the right path and speak to them about the end.... You will never need to think about what you should say, for if you want to work for Me you will also be filled by My spirit as soon as you are only spiritually active, and then your thoughts will also be guided right, and you will be protected from erroneous thinking and can hand yourselves over to My guidance free from worries; you are only not allowed to resist by refusing against your knowledge, by fearing the world and not trusting My power and strength. But then the world will also hold you captive and you will not be suitable as labourers in My vineyard. But anyone who loves Me will also listen to My voice and gladly follow Me, and I will take special care of him, I will help him to detach from the world, I will also make earthly life bearable for him and enable him to do spiritual work, I will bless it and constantly bring people to him whom he should help in spiritual adversity. But I tell you all this beforehand so that you should be attentive, so that you should prepare yourselves for your ministry and listen to My call which will soon be sent to you, for the time is drawing to a close, as it is proclaimed in word and scripture....


Translated by: Christian Taffertshofer

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