3478 Comforting encouragement from the kingdom of light....

May 9, 1945: Book 45

Now you will hear words of comfort, a strengthening encouragement from the kingdom of light: In a short time you will already recognize the love of the heavenly father in all its power.... The truth of His word will be revealed, like a bolt from the blue an incomprehensible event will startle the world and make people's hearts tremble.... And then the hour will have come which you should proclaim on behalf of God, then His word will be fulfilled for the suffering of men and for the strengthening of the faith of those who are faithful to God, who have knowledge of His word and recognize the voice of the father despite greatest adversity.... The hardship will be bearable for His own, for God will now reveal Himself so obviously that His great love will come to light and make people happy who want to belong to Him.... And then their hearts will no longer be troubled by doubts but a firm faith will let you endure everything by trusting in God's love and grace.... And then begin your mission.... For if your faith is firm you will also be able to work for Him, you will be able to speak without fear, and the gift of speaking will be given to you as soon as you are active for Him.... And this is His word which is once again conveyed to earth and which shall give you strength and remove every doubt, for all things shall come to pass as He has made known to you through His spirit....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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