0667 Night of terror....

November 14, 1938: Book 14

In the night of terror you will see the crucified one in the sky, Who will come visibly in a cloud, for His suffering and death shall again be brought before the eyes of people who believe in Him and shall give them strength to work for Him. When you see the sign in the sky do not think that all suffering is over but know that the struggle for souls will start with renewed vigour and that you shall be His fighters on earth.... know that the lord Himself is among you in order to give strength where it is needed, and not one wrong request shall be made for the salvation of people's souls. However, you will be greatly disturbed by the renewed opposition from outside, which will hold you back from your work for the lord more than ever. You will ask yourselves why the lord allows such things, but you will soon realize that even these resistances have a beneficial effect on those whom you have already won, that they begin to follow the word of God with ever greater zeal and that the resistances from outside are only an incentive for them. For they will recognize true salvation in the word of God wherever it is offered to them, and there will be no one among them who does not also feel the power of it if only he receives it with his heart. Whoever has found the saviour in the night of terror will never let Him go, even if there is a storm around these children of the earth.... In them is peace and the firm confidence that all suffering on earth will one day be replaced by heavenly bliss. Yet the world will endeavour to make the fate on earth even more unbearable for the followers of God's true teaching, but to the same extent they will also be given the strength to endure all the burdens imposed on them. For heaven blesses those who trust in Him. A wise householder will keep all his buildings in good repair so that he loses nothing of his property.... The heavenly father will guard all His building blocks from damage even more.... He will not allow what is His to be lost, but will only strengthen His building more and more so that it can withstand the onslaughts from outside. Therefore, leave your worries to this time of trials. Those who are willing to serve God and fulfil His will will overcome every danger victoriously and only ever work for the greater glory of God....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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