0559 Receive without interference....

August 28, 1938: Book 12

You must obey the inner voice and thus accept what is offered to you. It took a long time before the words became audible to you, which always happens when matter is too opposed to spiritual endeavour. And this was the case because of the food, which did not yet allow the body to fully rest and therefore also had a hindering effect on the spiritual experience. Full rest must first occur in order to guarantee the reception of spiritual gifts without disturbance. Every material substance is in opposition to the spiritual sphere, and so an unhindered reception of spiritual goods can only take place when all bodily heaviness falls away and the spirit can and will only occupy itself with spiritual things. As soon as a certain calm has set in and the body can be completely switched off, absorption is also considerably easier and therefore you will have to reckon with resistance and heavy absorption as long as you still pay too much attention to the body and its needs. If you can put all such things to one side and immediately place yourself in the state of absorption, then every burden on the body will soon disappear, you will become insensitive to physical inhibitions and complaints, and you will be completely detached from matter for the duration of the absorption.

If you try to reach this state by surrendering yourself with full will to the spiritual power alone, without paying attention to your surroundings or the body that hinders you, this endeavour will be crowned with great success and your work will only become more and more perfect. Jesus gave His disciples an extremely valuable teaching on the Mount of Olives and tried to make clear to them the concept of the unhindered penetration of God's power into the believing earthly man who withdraws from the world.

And it happened while He was speaking that they all felt the power in themselves and were thus able to follow Him spiritually without any actual effort on their part. This power will also pass into you if only you expect this power in full faith and desire to accept it. And so turn today to the truths that are to come to you on behalf of the lord:

Every soul has within itself the urge towards the eternal deity, but it is prevented by the body from fulfilling this urge. An eternal law determines the soul to the same activity of the body assigned to it, and this law has to be complied with until the body, as mere matter, separates from the soul again, i.e., until the soul becomes free from the earthly cover. However, for its time on earth every soul chooses for itself the body in which it can best attain the necessary maturity.... for in every soul slumber the instincts of so many unrefined nature spirits which, after thousands of years, have finally united to form a spiritual being in order to strive for their final perfection in the human shell.

However, just as those nature spirits were previously active in creation, they will also have to fulfil a similar purpose in the human body.... certain characteristics will always appear at equal intervals, which find their explanation in the soul's previous life. And so the body will often have to adapt to these previous states, which is why there is often talk of heredity. The more versatile the human being is as such, the more different soul particles his soul has to show and the more difficult the battle will be which such a soul has to endure in earthly life, for the body enters into every desire of the soul and both soul and body must now try to become master of all these peculiarities which are therefore inherent in the human being during the time on earth in co-operation.... And thus the human being must always bear in mind the body's relationship to the soul.... just as the body's activity should only ever serve the soul's redemption, so that such a redeemed soul will find its way back to the deity. But how, on the other hand, the soul suffers immense agony when it is held back from its true destiny by the body's resistance and its worldly desires and the dark shell around it becomes denser and denser.... All efforts of such a soul to break through the burdening shell are in vain if the body does not help it, for the body alone creates or removes the obstacles surrounding the soul. And in this realization the human being must constantly endeavour to serve his soul incessantly, i.e. to support it with all his strength to get rid of its shackles, and thus the body must always defeat itself where the soul's characteristics can be felt particularly strongly.... for the body has the greatest power to fight precisely such characteristics, since the nature of the body has been allocated to the soul in precisely the way it needs it....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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