
8942 Souls in the beyond participate in teachings....

February 23, 1965: Book 94

You should always accept My instructions for only I can offer you truth, only I can provide you with the nourishment and drink which your soul requires in order to perfect itself. Although the time until the end is brief you will still be able to do much work in My vineyard, because just a single spiritual thought will attract untold souls in the beyond who gather around you, who all want to participate in order to receive food and drink, and whom I support in every conceivable manner. These souls shall partake in what I give to you and work with it in turn, and thus no vineyard work whatsoever is done in vain. They frequently ask questions which I will answer through you, for they have a considerable desire for knowledge, especially if they did not receive the correct explanation on earth.... if they were taught wrongly and now realise that their misguided knowledge is of no use to them.

Their most important question concerns a truthful explanation about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, and they cannot be informed often enough of the fact that they need to appeal to Him for their forgiveness of sin.... Only when they take the path to Him, when they have carried their entire guilt under His cross may they take pleasure in the light. Then they will receive My emanation of grace at the same time, then they may receive the light directly from Me. As soon as they gather around you they already have the will to receive a light, and then they only have to take a small step to find Jesus Christ and entrust themselves to Him. This work is so necessary for the souls in the beyond because it has an immense effect and signifies a countermeasure for the one who had already extended his hand to pull them into the abyss. Once the souls have found their way to you they will stay in contact with you, because My love has seized them and will never exclude them....

But all these souls need to be informed of the truth, because every error is like a shadow that confuses their senses, and the souls had been subject to many errors during their earthly lives, which they gradually have to lose and thus need to know the truth. For this reason truthful information is conveyed to you humans on earth or you would have to cope with the same problems in the beyond, yet you have the great blessing to be taught by the Eternal Truth Itself. For every wrong concept you hold on to at the time of your passing from earth will follow you into eternity and can prevent you from accepting the truth when it is offered to you.

The reason why I draw your attention to so many misguided teachings is due to the fact that you should not enter the kingdom of the beyond in this state as well, that you should know the pure truth beforehand already and can then pass it on to those who also desire to know the truth.... The beings of the beyond have access to them all, every recipient of truth is surrounded by countless beings who all want to receive beneficial nourishment from them.... Hence the study group is vast and is also supported by the beings of light, who will only be listened to when the souls in the beyond have already gained a small amount of knowledge through earthly inhabitants. Then they will be open to their instructions too and proceed with their higher development. Those of you who receive the truth from Me directly should only ever aim to spread the truth throughout the world. Use every possible avenue that serves to spread My Word, and you will not have worked in vain.... For the end cannot be delayed, it is approaching with absolute certainty faster than you think.... it will surprise all people, and blessed is the person who knows the truth, which you can only gain through My Word....


Translated by Heidi Hanna