
8875 Path to Jesus Christ.... What is meant by "judgment"....

October 26, 1964: Book 93

The light from above shines down to you and will shine until the end, for as long as the prince of darkness rages and acts against every light from above I will consider those who want to escape from darkness and therefore turn to Me for the supply of light.... Because there will always be men who desire truth in the bottom of their heart and who are only satisfied when they are taught directly by Me. But there are only few of them because the masses resign themselves to the fact that error keeps them bound, that is why they know nothing about meaning and purpose of earth existence and who also have no need to receive truthful enlightenment about it. And as long as My adversary has this mass behind him, the light will also hardly break through, because it is the time of the end where he rules, until the power is taken out of his hands.... until his hour has come where he is put in chains together with his followers.... But in this time until the end there is still much work to be done on the part of My vineyard workers, because it is still necessary to bring many a soul onto the right path, and this is especially difficult because the love of the world is predominant and this has to be overcome for the time being, otherwise the light.... which only shines dimly.... cannot be noticed, but which then becomes brighter and brighter and finally breaks through the darkness.... And so still much error will have to be uncovered before pure truth can peel out, but then a bright light shines for man from the inside, which will never ever be extinguished. Because who once stands in knowledge, he knows that something was given back to him, what he once possessed and gave away in free will.... But the number of those is still to be increased before the end because My love care is meant for all those who are not yet completely in the power of My opponent. My love care is for those who are willing but too weak to free themselves from him. And when you can bring these closer to the knowledge about the divine redeemer Jesus Christ, who denies His help to no-one, and when you seek to cause them to believe and to accept the work of redemption, then I will support every attempt of you with My power. I will have an effect on them and give them bright moments where they can think about it and come to a decision.... For as soon as you supply them with My word it will also radiate its power, provided they are undecided.... For I cannot force the will of a person who completely rejects My word. But that one (this one) inevitably falls prey to the new banishment when the end has come. So also you will have to understand the "last judgment", which consists in it, that all spiritual will be judged anew, that it will again be allotted to the form, which it strives for.... that it will be "judged" according to its degree of maturity. This therefore is the "last judgement", of which you have a wrong idea. For I see every being's degree of maturity and can only ever prepare for it the fate which it has created for itself in free will. And this process will still repeat itself for eternities; again and again you will have to go through earth and its creations as soon as you have not acquired a small degree of light for yourselves, which guarantees you a higher development in the kingdom on the other side. And the light will always shine for you, at the beginning of every redemption period you will possess this light in all fullness, you will hear the pure truth directly from beings of light, and that for a long time, until then again My adversary will exert his influence on you humans, until he again spreads darkness over those people who are not strong enough and therefore fall prey to him.... And again, at the end of an earth period darkness will cover the whole of humanity, but the 'truth seeker' will always have the guarantee that he will receive it directly from Me, for he thereby proves that he does not want to fall prey to darkness, and his will will also be complied with...._>Amen

8878 45

Explanation of the act of creation.... about the will of the beings....

It is certainly an apparent contradiction which you believe to discover, but as soon as you receive My teachings about it you will understand it correctly. All beings have emerged from My power, which flowed towards My first-created spirit in all fullness. He could not close himself off to this power until his fall from Me was completely accomplished. The power went to him as long as he wanted to use it for the coming into being of new beings, and all these beings were radiated through by My love power, so that they therefore were perfect and also had to be perfect, because they lacked nothing, neither light nor power, and moreover nothing defective could come out of Me, because until the apostasy of Lucifer My love power was at his disposal, because so long also the act of creation was an act of greatest beatification for him.... And only when he completely turned away from Me did his creative power cease. He saw in the endless host of created beings the evidence of his power and he rejected the further supply of love power.... But the apostasy extended to eternities.... And during this time he slowly changed his will, which in the end was directed against Me. And since the beings had arisen out of his will using the power out of Me, every being certainly had something of his will in itself, but since every act of creation put him into bliss.... because he was radiated through by My unmeasured love power thereby.... so he also gave up his secret resistance, thus his will, at the moment of creation and completely surrendered himself to My strength of love. So the being has certainly been begotten out of his will, which now also tried to influence the being to accept his will turned away from God. But since it has now also been My product, I gave to all beings the right of self-determination, when it was to decide for or against him.... Because My light of love shone through every being with such brightness that it also recognized its producer, that it therefore did not need to fall, but could likewise turn towards Me, even if I was not visible to it.... When it therefore says: Lucifer put his will into the being, then it is not to be understood that he could determine the beings to fall away, because every being had to decide about it itself. Because it had freedom of will exactly like its producer, and it did not have to think exactly like him. That is why the light shone for it in all fullness. It only became imperfect when it did not use this light, when it remained with its will against better knowledge, which therefore let the being become imperfect, because in the beginning it had been radiated as most perfect, which alone already resulted from it that also beings fell away from Me, which belonged to the first, which our both love will let come into being.... For their will was also free, and they could choose their lord.... The apostasy of the spirits stretched over endless long times, so the will of Lucifer had changed again and again in these times, he stood sometimes to Me and sometimes against Me.... as it drove him after the reception of My love power.... And the created beings were the same, soon their will belonged to Me and soon to him again, yet imperfection could only be spoken of when their apostasy was clearly evident, when they had decided in favour of their lord, Who shone for them in supreme fullness of light. Every act of creation was an exchange of love power, which made the light bearer happy and therefore could also only produce perfection. But freedom of will was a divine gift, therefore it did not need to lead to the fall, but used in the right way, it could earn the being an immeasurable happiness. And thus every being was also able to give its will the right direction, and it also had the strength to do so precisely because in its abundance of light it recognized where Lucifer was heading.... The fact that it followed him to the depths was therefore not due to its alleged "deficiency," which it thus "got" from its producer, but it was its own will, which, in spite of the bright light of knowledge, followed it to the depths.... It was therefore by no means pre-loaded on the part of Lucifer with a will that turned towards God even before it was given the right of self-determination.... Because it was, like everything that came forth out of Me, standing in highest perfection.... (2.11.1964) I Myself therefore cannot contradict Me; it is the purest truth, which My revelations hold. What therefore contradicts it does not carry My spirit in itself, and there is the following explanation for this: firstly, My adversary's effort to confuse your spirit, which he then succeeds in doing when the bond with Me is not deep enough, when you yourselves, through your own thinking, give him the opportunity to confuse the concepts, and secondly, (when) you were not yet in (such) contact with Me which allows My influence in you.... that I was able to protect you from the working of immature spirits, which always come back when a person seeks the light and tries to extinguish this light. The more earnestly a receiver of My love light pushes towards Me, the safer My word sounds to him, but which then is also pure and louder and every evil spirit is repelled, which wants to press a light bearer. The more the will and the desire for pure truth is inherent in My light bearers, the more he can also be convinced of the truth of what is offered to him. That is why I also want that you examine all scriptures, because again and again My opponent wants to awaken an uncertainty in man; he wants that you doubt the truth of that what I Myself announce to you. But you are to prove your faith to Me, you are not to let yourselves be diverted from the truth of My word through his work, because I will always enlighten your spirit that you recognize it if and when he has intruded to invalidate My work...._>Amen

Translated by Doris Boekers