
8417 The soul is imperishable.... State of ego consciousness....

February 20, 1963: Book 88

Consider that there is no more passing away for you, that you will endure for all eternity.... And this thought will make you happy when you know that you will be blissfully happy for all eternity, even though you cannot imagine this bliss.... But it can also be an unbearable thought for you if you had to expect no end of this state in wretchedness because you are imperishable.... That you exist and now also shape your fate is a truth which cannot be disputed.... and even if you cannot provide evidence of it you will not be able to prove the opposite either, and therefore you should also consider the possibility and thus shape your fate accordingly yourselves. You should by no means give in to the hope that everything will end with the death of your body, that you will then return into nothingness, for once you have been emanated by Me as essential strength, this strength cannot disappear again either. But once it returns to Me again as the original source.... And that is why even the wretched state.... when you cause it for yourselves.... cannot last forever, but must one day irrevocably change again into the opposite.... But it is not unimportant how long the being is in this unhappiness, for the being is not insensitive. It was once put out into freedom, light and strength, which therefore means bliss..... The state of wretchedness is bondage, darkness and powerlessness and therefore a state of unspeakable agony, which the being itself can no longer change when no help is granted to it. My infinite love, however, also belongs to those beings and has mercy on all wretched beings. Time and again it also finds ways and means to loosen the beings' bondage and to let them receive sparks of light and strength which help the being up out of the deepest darkness, so that once again it will have the opportunity to recognize itself for what it is and then it can voluntarily continue the path of ascent which it has taken with My help. And even if eternities pass by, the being will still exist, even if it is dissolved into countless particles and bound in the works of creation.... Yet no particle is lost, they all gather again and once more enter the state of ego-consciousness which they had lost through their own fault.... So the absence of ego-consciousness does not mean a passing away into nothingness.... but it is only a temporary state of complete powerlessness and lightlessness, which also excludes any recognition of oneself as a being.... Now it is certainly comforting for you humans that even you, who are still completely opposed to Me, will one day be united with Me again and be able to enjoy supreme bliss.... Yet this certainty should not make you lukewarm in your striving or indifferent and irresponsible towards earthly life, for the times of distance from Me are eternities for you during which you condemn yourselves, during which you have to endure a fate which cannot be described to you blackly enough and which you, as human beings, cannot measure in its agony. But you should accept all warnings and admonitions and not lightly reject every thought of it, for precisely during the time of your human existence it is possible for you to strive for the final union with Me, which guarantees supreme bliss for all eternity.... And it is truly not much that you need to do yourselves, for I only require of you a life of unselfish loving activity.... And if you are willing to come close to Me you will also receive the strength to work in love.... Thus you should only direct your will correctly, it should be turned towards Me as your creator, you should only want to recognize your purpose of earthly life and fulfil it.... And then you need never fear that you will still have to live in wretchedness, for My love, which belongs to you for all eternity, only wants to prepare beatitude for you, and therefore you should only give up your former resistance which cannot be broken by force.... You should.... believe whatever teachings you are told about your immortality.... even without proof, and then you will also consciously strive for a blissful life and become again what you were in the beginning.... Beings who are immeasurably blissful in light and power and freedom....


Translated by Doris Boekers