
7920 God is eternally unchanging.... Law of order.... Love principle....

June 15, 1961: Book 83

I am from eternity.... and I will be until all eternity. And My laws will also be eternally unchanging, My nature will be eternally unchanging, love will be and remain the fundamental principle of order, for love is My fundamental nature, and everything also emerged from love and must also move eternally in My order if it wants to remain united with Me for all eternity.... For what I created had a beginning but can never have an end.... In the beginning it was in My eternal order, and it also inevitably returns to the eternal order again, although in the meantime it has stepped out of this order itself.... But this state does not last forever.... Everything created returns to Me again, and this means that it is then also again in the state of eternal order in which it had emerged from Me.... It can never ever pass away again, for even in the state of distance it is held by My strength of love, which constantly flows out into infinity and ensures the existence of everything My emanating strength of love had as its reason. Everything created certainly had its beginning but will have no end.... a concept which can only be grasped by you humans in the state of perfection when your thinking will no longer be limited.... Before that you cannot grasp it, yet you should know that there will never be an end for you again. For only this realization can and will impel you to change your nature in order to spend this 'eternity' in a state of bliss, as it was your original purpose that you were able to create and work with Me and in My will in unlimited bliss. For you still moved in My eternal order, you still subordinated yourselves to My law, the principle of love was powerful in you and decisive for your bliss.... I Myself am and remain unchanging in My nature, and this also means that My laws can never change, that love is always and forever the fundamental principle, that what is perfect like Me must always and forever move in love.... which has therefore achieved deification in free will.... I indeed created beings from Myself in all perfection, and these beings were also filled by My spirit of love because I constantly illuminated them and therefore they were immeasurably blissful.... Admittedly, as divine beings I also had to give them the opportunity to freely decide to accept My strength of love.... I had to give their free will, the sign of their divine origin, the opportunity to develop, otherwise they would only have remained My 'creatures' forever but would never have been able to reach the highest perfection: to become true 'children of God'.... a work which they had to accomplish themselves, which I could not carry out on them.... And this aim of Mine in the creation of all beings resulted in the apostasy of countless beings (this free will resulted in the apostasy of countless beings) which misused their free will.... but which were nevertheless imperishable and therefore will also one day reach the aim of working and creating as My 'children' for all eternity.... I am from eternity and I will be until all eternity.... And therefore the time My beings need for the transformation into highest perfection is also irrelevant to Me.... And it would also be insignificant for the being itself if the time of distance from Me were not extremely agonizing for these beings, whose original state of light and strength and freedom was changed through their own fault into a state of darkness, powerlessness and bondage.... which truly cannot be called blissful. And for the sake of the being I seek to shorten the torment for him and help him in every way to reach his original state again.... But I cannot deviate from My law of eternal order: The love principle must prevail, the being must change to love again, it must voluntarily allow itself to be illuminated by Me, and then it will also move in the order of eternity.... it will become perfect again, as it was in the beginning, yet it then strived for this perfection of its own free will and therefore changed from My 'creature' into My 'child', which it will now also remain for all eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers