
7917 Source.... Vineyard work.... Grace time....

June 12, 1961: Book 83

When I Myself address you through My spirit, when I convey My word to you which provides you with extensive knowledge, and when I give you the task to spread this word of Mine, I also know that it is urgently necessary, for time is rushing by and the end will come faster than you think. Therefore, again and again you are given this task to work diligently in My vineyard. And this work consists of you "carrying My gospel out into the world",.... that you pass on what you receive from Me directly.... that you make use of every opportunity to inform people of the unusual activity in you.... that you give Me the opportunity to address people, because they shall be instructed of their task in life and because they shall also be given the knowledge of My plan of salvation. When I open a spring from which the water of life flows I do not do so for the sake of one human being but I call all pilgrims to refresh and strengthen themselves at this spring.... But do you humans know how to appreciate this great gift of grace that is offered to you?.... Do you know what it means when you can draw fresh and healing water from a spring when you are afflicted by thirst?.... And so you shall hear that your soul thirsts for a refreshing drink, that it is exceedingly grateful when it is offered a fresh spring water. And you should make use of this great gift of grace and seek out the spring from which you may draw constantly, which I will not let run dry because I know how indispensable it is for your souls. But this time of grace will also come to an end one day, the time will come when it will be difficult to reach the source, when you will be prevented because the powerful on earth will be under the influence of My adversary and openly proceed against Me, against everything spiritual, against faith in Jesus Christ. And you shall be prepared for this time, you shall constantly draw strength from the source, you shall let yourselves be addressed by Me so that you will then have the strength to resist, to remain faithful to Me and to stand firm until the end. Therefore I want to impart much strength to you, i.e. to your soul, beforehand.... therefore I want it to become healthy and mature before this time dawns.... And therefore I give you the task again and again to be constantly active for Me by spreading My word. And no matter how much resistance you face.... remain tirelessly active and point your fellow human beings to the source, because only a true drink of life can be offered to them there, where the water of life flows forth fresh and pure.... I truly want to bless you, for I still want to win many souls before the end, and only the pure truth can lead them back to Me, which originated from Me Myself and which I guide to earth through My word.... For the time left to you until the end is only short, and it shall be utilized in every way because great spiritual hardship exists which can only be remedied if people listen to My word, which is blessed with My strength....


Translated by Doris Boekers