
7710 Work of the spirit in man....

September 26, 1960: Book 81

To you it is given to testify of Me.... I don't want people to forget about Me, that they certainly look for a God in the distance, Who created everything that surrounds them, that their faith in this God is only a very doubtful one, for at most they ascribe to Him an exceeding great power; but love and wisdom.... which would make a father credible to them.... they doubt. And therefore their relationship with Me is not the right one, they have no bond whatsoever with Me, they are distant from Me. But I want them to be able to believe in Me and therefore reveal Myself in many ways. For their happiness after the death of their body depends on their faith in Me. And at all times I have raised up servants and handmaidens for Myself who received My direct revelations and passed them on, and thus I gave them a true testimony of Me, because they were able to receive a true image themselves, because they stood completely in truth.... because they were instructed by My spirit within themselves. But these have a task, for they receive a gift from Me which also obliges them. People mostly lack the knowledge that I speak to them directly under certain conditions, and that is why it is also so difficult to demand their faith in that which flows to them indirectly or directly through My spirit.... You all know the promise that I will "pour out My Spirit on all flesh and prophesy to servants and maidservants....” - "that I will remain with My own until the end...." and that I will send them "the comforter, the spirit of truth...." They know the book of books and yet they have not yet taken a stand on these promises of Mine, they have not yet thought about how these promises might be fulfilled.... And therefore you shall enlighten them, and you shall inform them of the 'working of the spirit in you', of the father's direct bond with His child and of His revelations which the father's love bestows upon His children. For people should not confuse the 'working of the spirit' with mediumistic spirit announcements which come to those people from the realm of the supersensible, which are given up of their own free will.... which can therefore be used as a 'form' through which spiritual beings of different degrees of maturity want to and can express themselves. For it is about the truth of what is imparted to you humans from above. It concerns the value of the proclamations, it concerns the value of My word which you humans do not recognize and therefore do not appreciate in its significance. But you should know that the father speaks to His children and that He has important things to say to them because the end is near.... You should know that you can only become blissfully happy through the truth and that this truth can only come forth from Me, as the 'eternal truth', and that it is very significant for you to come into possession of this truth. For it gives you a true picture of Me, it explains My nature to you as far as you are able to grasp it, and it awakens the love in you which is necessary for unification with Me.... spiritual marriage, which is the epitome of your bliss for time and eternity. You humans should know about My direct revelation but you should also know that you can all prepare yourselves as vessels into which I can let My spirit flow. For you need only awaken the spiritual spark in you through a life of love, which then unites with its father-spirit of eternity.... which now expresses itself in you and imparts most glorious spiritual possessions to you, which are everlasting and will one day constitute your wealth in the spiritual kingdom when your soul relies on the earthly body.... And therefore you shall bear witness wherever the opportunity presents itself, for people shall learn to believe in Me that I want to be their father, and they shall love Me, whatever only the impartation of truth from Me brings about...._>Amen

Translated by Doris Boekers