
7547 God is a kind, merciful judge....

March 13, 1960: Book 79

You will always be pointed to My infinite love and mercy, and therefore every sinner shall fearlessly come to Me and appeal to Me for forgiveness of his guilt of sin.... I walked the earth as a human being, I experienced all weaknesses of My fellow human beings as a human being, I had understanding for them because I Myself was human.... I look down with immense love on all people who are at fault and My mercy wants to help them. But they have to come to Me themselves and entrust themselves to Me, and therefore they have to know about My love so that they will have faith in Me, Who does not condemn them but wants to help them to become free from their sins. For the sinner is still under My adversary's control, he is still a slave to him, and therefore he will remain in sin as long as he has not yet escaped from My adversary. But he will only be released from him when he takes refuge in Me to help him.... And he will only take refuge in Me when he has recognized Me as a kind, merciful judge under Whose power he willingly submits.... Therefore you should not speak of a God of wrath, of an unmerciful judge who mercilessly condemns what has become sinful.... My love and mercy know no bounds, and if your sins were as red as blood I would wash you white as snow.... you can believe this, for you are all My creatures who came forth from My love and whom I will love for all eternity. You just have to recognize your guilt, you have to admit yourselves that you have become guilty and come to Me with this admission.... And you must approach Me in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your guilt. For I died on the cross for this guilt and thus redeemed it. You should always remember that I am a God of love, not a God of wrath. The fact that My justice cannot endow you with beatitude should only ever make you strive to establish a just balance yourselves, which consists of you recognizing and confessing your guilt.... that you appeal to Me for forgiveness in order not to fall prey to My justice, which may not be eliminated despite My greater than great love, because justice belongs to My perfect nature. Yet since I Myself redeemed the guilt on the cross, you need only want Me to have shed My blood for you too, and then you can also avail yourselves of the blessings of My act of salvation.... You can count on full forgiveness of your sins because My love has redeemed them. And I call out to all sinners: Come to Me, under My cross, and cast off your burden of sin.... and you will be set free from it, because My love and mercy wants to prepare a blissful fate for you.... because I want you to return to Me from Whom you once came forth....


Translated by Doris Boekers