
7349 Vineyard work must be done in love....

April 29, 1959: Book 78

None of you will miss out on the blessing which lies on a work for Me and My kingdom which is carried out in true neighbourly love. This heartfelt, unselfish love for the neighbour must be present if it is to have a successful effect on people on earth and also on the souls in the beyond, which also need this neighbourly love in order to progress in their spiritual development. For without love the work also only remains a mechanical activity which will not bring much blessing. The will to help must be present for all unhappy souls which have not yet found their way to Me.... Thus the servant in My vineyard must first want to help and then tackle the work, and he will succeed, it will bring him success, in that the human being or the souls in the kingdom of the beyond are willing to accept and thus respond to the efforts of the worker in My vineyard.... by listening to My word, which he proclaims to them, and by trying to live it out. And the soul is already won for eternity.... The souls feel the love of the one who brings My word to them, and therefore they no longer have the resistance which was initially still in them.... But the proclaimer's love gives way to this resistance, the proclaimer's love has its effect on the heart of the one who now hears My word, and it therefore opens willingly and also receives Me when I follow My servant and desire entrance. A great blessing rests on the work of a loving vineyard labourer.... Wherever this love is lacking, the work will be fruitless.... and it is missing where My word is preached by profession, where a preacher's profession is only a matter of existence and true unselfish neighbourly love is missing, where the preacher does not see the great need of the soul of those he is supposed to help by proclaiming My word.... Where there is no love, love cannot be worked, and the success will not be great unless the listeners include people who have a great desire within themselves for My address.... The word will be a blessing for them even if it is not offered from a heart full of love, but it was received with love for Me, and My word will now also have the strength of a direct address and bring blessing.... But love is always first the strength which can work in a person's heart, and a gift of love from Me should therefore also be offered with a loving heart and hands, and the blessing will truly not fail to materialize....


Translated by Doris Boekers