
7212 Increased challenges in the end time....

November 20, 1958: Book 76

Do not believe that My adversary will leave you out, even if you have already turned to Me in your heart.... Although he will not be able to harm you precisely because of your will turned towards Me, he will nevertheless try again and again to bring you down. He will harass you wherever and however he can in order to influence your will, to weaken it and turn it back to the world which is his kingdom. But nevertheless, you of all people need not fear him because you have an extremely faithful helper at your side.... Me Myself, Whom you only need to call upon so that he will be pushed away from you. Especially in the last days he will try everything to increase his following, to win back those he believes to be lost. But in doing so he forgets one thing, that not he but I already have the right to your souls and that I no longer allow what has already voluntarily given itself to Me to be wrested from Me. Therefore you need not fear that he will take control of you, but you must not forget one thing either: to constantly attach yourselves more intimately to Me in order to be protected from his influence in My presence. Every inner restlessness, every agitation, every feeling of fear is a sign of his activity towards you, and because he betrays himself through this you only need to turn your eyes towards Me and he must and will give way. In the last days his efforts even go so far that he tries to prevent the spreading of light in a way which makes him appear extremely strong and powerful and throws you humans into doubt as to the divine task of spreading light to your fellow human beings.... And then you should always know that it is My adversary's cunning to confuse you. And you should be all the stronger in your resistance, you should firmly believe in your mission and work ever more diligently for Me and My kingdom. And soon his attacks will subside and your faith will grow and an inner calm will come over you, for then I will obviously stand by you and bless your activity. The closer it gets to the end the more violent his attacks will be but the closer I am to you and the more strength you will receive from Me. He cannot harm you as long as you seek the bond with Me, and therefore only ever maintain this bond and don't leave Me out of your thoughts, and his influence will be able to have an ever decreasing effect on you, you will already be able to push him away from you through a heartfelt thought of Me, Who is always present to you in every adversity and danger. Let Me be your first and last thought.... and truly, nothing can happen to you, for My angels protect you from all attacks by the enemy of your souls, and their power is strong, and their will is to serve Me and thus also all who are and want to remain Mine forever....


Translated by Doris Boekers