
6986 'Convinced' faith....

December 6, 1957: Book 74

No human being is forced to believe but everyone has to acquire it himself. Therefore, even if spiritual teachings are presented to the human being he cannot be compelled to believe in them, because such faith would only mean lack of contradiction, thus the human being would not openly express himself against them but he would still not need to be inwardly convinced of them. Such people therefore cannot be called 'believers' as long as they have not yet gained the inner conviction of the truth of what is demanded to be believed. And such faith is worthless before God.... For neither the intellect nor the heart affirmatively puts itself to it. However, the intellect alone cannot acquire this conviction because it cannot produce any evidence for the truth of the spiritual teachings. But the heart can attain conviction.... but only through the working of love. And the human being, in turn, cannot be forced into love because love is completely free. Love is the only means of attaining a living faith, an inner conviction without proof. This is an incontrovertible truth which cannot be refuted but will never be acknowledged by unloving people. For it is precisely only confirmed through love: And thus it is also understandable why precisely doctrines of faith are repeatedly disputed, why humanity has completely different opinions in the spiritual sphere and why unity can only be recorded where people live a life of love.... but why the latter also hold their views with full conviction, for they have gained the right, living faith through love. And thus spiritual knowledge could certainly be conveyed to people but it will not be able to become a conviction in them until the spirit in them is awakened through a life of love. And therefore it is the first and most urgent thing if people are to be helped to attain faith, to preach love to them and to stimulate them to be active in love. However, as long as these efforts are unsuccessful people will not be able to believe in everything else which has its origin in God and should lead to God again. So it can be said quite simply: Without love no one will reach God. Only one thing is necessary for man: to kindle love in himself. But all indications of this are ignored, only a few take it seriously and try to shape themselves into love, only a few subject their nature and their way of acting to serious criticism and try to change. And that is why only a few people reach the aim. To be able to believe wholeheartedly is blissful, but it is not to be understood as blind faith which has not been preceded by a serious examination of the doctrines of faith.... which can also be held by a person who has little love.... the faith which should rather be called 'fanaticism' than 'faith'. Love always remains the foundation of faith, and a faith without love collapses as soon as it is to prove itself.... But one day people will be called upon to prove themselves, and then only a few will persevere, only a few people will have this conviction which only a life of love can give and which is therefore called the strength of faith which stands firm in the most difficult tribulations in the last days before the end. Only then will it be proven who is truly faithful.... but the blind believer will fail. He lacks the strength which only love can bring him.... He lacks inner conviction and will therefore unhesitatingly surrender faith because he did not possess it in reality....


Translated by Doris Boekers