
6797 Every soul must find Jesus Christ....

April 3, 1957: Book 73

Every soul thanks you, which was led through you to Jesus Christ as its redeemer from sin and death.... For He alone can open the gate to life for it, He alone can lead it into the kingdom of light to eternal beatitude. But as long as it has not yet found Him it wanders around unhappily when it has arrived in the kingdom of the beyond, its thoughts become confused, its surroundings are devoid of light and its own state is agonizing because it sorely misses the vitality it now lacks but feels the agony of its lack of strength and its state. For this reason it is the greatest work of love and mercy you can accomplish on a person while he is still on earth if you acquaint him with Jesus Christ, if you make it clear to him that he may not pass Him by if he does not want to endanger himself and meet an unhappy fate after the death of his body. All people you come into contact with know Him, yet their attitude towards Him leaves much to be desired, they know Him but do not evaluate this knowledge, they have certainly heard of Him as redeemer of the world but His act of salvation is not a true concept for them. They know about His death on the cross but only consider it in a purely earthly way and are hardly aware of its spiritual significance.... They also do not have the inner bond with Him and therefore do not take the path to the cross, they do not feel like sinners and therefore do not ask for forgiveness of their sins either.... They do not recognize the eternal deity Himself in Jesus Christ and therefore do not call upon Him in full faith either. And therefore they remain burdened by guilt and enter the beyond with this guilt, without light and without strength, for they have not yet attained the life which can only be given to them by Jesus Christ. And then their earthly life was also an idle one and did not bring them any success, it did not bring them closer to God, Who walked across earth in the man Jesus.... These souls will be unhappy when they arrive in the kingdom of the beyond, and they will not be blissfully happy until they have taken the path to Him on the other side. But even in the kingdom of the beyond they are often unteachable when it comes to the problem of Christ, and it requires a lot of love and perseverance on the part of those who want to help them, be they beings of light or people on earth who want to help the souls. But anyone who lovingly takes care of such a soul will also succeed in imparting so much light and strength to it that it will strengthen its will and that it will listen without resistance when it is informed about Jesus Christ, and that it will now no longer resist calling upon Him for love and mercy either.... It has to find Him in the kingdom of the beyond, and Jesus Christ can also be found.... He comes to meet every soul, but only if it has given up its hard resistance, if it looks around helplessly and begs for salvation, if it is aware of its weakness and now listens attentively to what is conveyed to it by beings willing to help or by people on earth.... Then Jesus Christ Himself will force Himself into its thinking and truly make it easy for the soul to believe in Him.... But the first step has to be taken by the soul itself, and in order for it to take this first step it has to be helped by people on earth or by beings of light in the spiritual kingdom through loving intercession or through everlasting instructions. It must find its way to Jesus Christ.... otherwise there is no beatitude for it.... But it is extremely grateful to those who helped it to salvation. And precisely the great hardship awaiting such a soul in the beyond, which has not yet found Him, should prompt you humans to repeatedly mention His mission on earth, so that fellow human beings will still find Him on earth and not pass over into the spiritual kingdom without light.... so that Jesus Christ Himself will now come to meet them and open the gates to paradise.... that they will only be relieved of their great burden of sin for the time being, but only Jesus Christ Himself can take it away from them and therefore He has to be recognized and acknowledged as God and redeemer of the world....


Translated by Doris Boekers