
6746 Cosmic processes....

January 25, 1957: Book 72

It should be obvious to all of you what an important period of time you are living in, for the events around you and everywhere on earth are extraordinary, and everyone who pays attention should also become thoughtful and look for an explanation. It is the time of the end which will always reveal more unusual signs, as it is written. For God wants people to pay attention, to become aware of the seriousness of the time.... He wants thoughts of an end to arise in every person, that worldly people will also recognize a climax in world events which can almost no longer be exceeded, and that the prospects of a natural solution will become ever smaller. For only then will they become alarming. And thus the restlessness among people will also increase, the 'unusual' often makes them realize their powerlessness, they feel threatened without being able to find a remedy, and they feel too weak to resist.... But only a few people evaluate this last time spiritually, and that alone can give them back their inner peace, for then they know they are under the protection of Him Who commands everything and Who can also direct and turn world events. Therefore it is of utmost importance to keep pointing people to Him, Who becomes ever stranger to them the closer the end is. And God will support such indications by also allowing cosmic events to emerge which are not subject to human influence, so that people will now direct their gaze into other than earthly spheres, so that they will recognize even more clearly their own powerlessness as well as their dependence on a higher power. For whatever unscrupulous plans people try to carry out, whatever misguided thinking causes harm, all this takes a back seat to inevitable cosmic events which no human will can stop or redirect.... Then another change can take place in people's thinking when they see themselves at the mercy of forces against which they are powerless.... And such an event is about to happen to humanity, and it will only fulfil what was proclaimed long before, what was spiritually seen and therefore repeatedly pointed out by seers and prophets who spoke on God's behalf in order to announce the signs of the end to people. What you humans.... if you believe it.... in the far future will soon become a present event for you, because one day what has been predicted by God's will will come true. But no human being will be forced to believe in it, and everything will happen in such a way that the unbelieving human being will find an explanation for it which has nothing to do with divine intervention, with predestination or spiritual explanations.... Man can recognize a God in these events but he is not forced to do so.... But then the last means has also been used which could still cause a person to change his thinking, and anyone who persists in his rejection is evil.... For his fate is the new banishment in the creations of the new earth.... It is a tremendous event which will still affect you humans before the end, it is an event the extent of which you cannot overlook because a process is taking place in the cosmos which has not yet been experienced by people on this earth.... And it will take many people from this earth, and those who remain behind will now have to get used to completely different circumstances but will also be able to do so as soon as they believe and request strength from God. And no-one will be able to insure himself against this disaster beforehand unless he fully believes and places himself under God's protection, which will then also be granted to him so that everything will be for his good, whatever happens. Again and again this event is announced to you, again and again you humans are informed of an intervention by God which will manifest itself through a natural event of the greatest magnitude.... But you humans don't want to believe it and therefore it will also surprise you unprepared, yet it has been planned since the beginning, for it initiates the last phase on this earth, for the end will follow this event in a short time....


Translated by Doris Boekers