
6453 Different course of development of the fallen....

January 16, 1956: Book 69

The divine word resounds far out into infinity, for the father constantly addresses His children and His creations, constantly conveys the strength to all beings which animates them.... As long as the being is still imperfect, as long as it is still bound in creations of all kinds, it certainly receives the strength but does not understand the word emanating from God.... But in a certain state of maturity it is able to do so, and then the attainment of a state of bliss is also certain.... But there are also beings which are certainly able but unwilling to listen to God's word. Nevertheless, it sounds to this spiritual being because its purpose is to change its will so that it will one day consciously desire and be able to receive God's word. God Himself addresses all beings which are in possession of free will.... Everywhere in the universe are creations which shelter spiritual substances which have matured to such an extent that they are able to receive the divine word, and light beings are everywhere ready to act as mediators if that spiritual substance itself does not yet possess the degree of maturity to hear it directly, which is why the beings in all worlds also have knowledge of God, their creator and sustainer from eternity.... And the degree of light in which those beings move is determining for the abundance and the kind of knowledge which is imparted to them through God's word. Hence the eternal truth is spread throughout infinity, and all beings are in knowledge of the 'one God' as the supremely perfect being from Whom all beings once originated.... And yet there is a difference between the beings of those worlds in the universe and the people on this earth.... a difference which only becomes comprehensible when the former apostasy of the originally created spirits from God is regarded as 'having happened in infinite periods of time'.... which therefore signifies a fall from grace of such different kind and depth that also the kind of ablation, the return and conditions for it require completely different worlds and creations and also the beings animating these creations are completely different in their perception and therefore all have to cover different developmental paths in order to reach God again. However, this knowledge is not necessary for people, it is only intended to make them understand that God's plan of salvation and His infinite care not only extends to the embodied spiritual beings on earth but also applies to the other world creations without exception. His address, however, always touches the beings as they need it according to their former guilt and their distance from God.... (16.1.1956) The apostasy of the first-created being, the bearer of light, was not a sudden affair but took place over an inconceivably long time until this being landed in the lowest abyss. And its appendage was also of different kinds, depending on the strength of the first being's defence against God's strength of love, which again took effect on the beings created by it. Thus the will of resistance was certainly placed in each of these created beings but in different degrees.... which, however, by no means excuses those beings which fell and followed him into the abyss.... For the illumination of love on God's part was nevertheless so strong that it would have sufficed to break the beings' will of resistance but did not determine their free will to turn towards the outcome of this strength of love.... But again the light radiation had different effects so that beings also received a glimmer of realization which also caused them to separate from their producer, which hindered them in their fall into the abyss, although they too had distanced themselves from God in free will. Therefore they had also become sinful, only their path is not as endless, and the return of these beings does not require such a long time as the beings from the deepest abyss require.... Yet the glimmer of realization which once remained with these beings would, in turn, also have sufficed for the recognition of the guilt of having turned away from God. But the will of rejection was just as strong towards God as towards their fallen creator.... and this will of rejection must also be broken in them, which is also much easier but the most blissful delights of childship to God are not accessible to these beings.... for their change to ascent takes place in works of creation which have a completely different design than earth, which serves as a training station for the deeply fallen.... for these beings have to go through dreadful torments of purification before they emerge from the deepest darkness to a small glimmer of light which then shows them the path to ascent.... They have to unimaginably atone for their guilt already on earth, and the change from a being completely dominated by God's adversary into God's image is an act of will which God also rewards with supreme beatitude, which earns the being the childship of God, which therefore demands the walk across this earth.... But God maintains contact with all His creations, with all beings inhabiting these creations.... But the will determines whether these connections are used, whether they manifest themselves. For where there is still a will of resistance against God's illumination of love, it will also have no effect of light and strength.... His word ceaselessly resounds in infinity.... God's will is therefore known everywhere because His word only ever declares His will.... Only there must always and everywhere be mediators who hear it from God Himself and then pass it on, be it into earthly or spiritual creations or in the kingdom of spirits, which have not yet found a permanent abode and wander about until they also find a place again where they should and can prove themselves anew.... Thus God's word must also sound to them, but in those realms a soul is rarely able to hear God's word unless an unrecognized being of light dwells amongst them, which has precisely this mission to impart.... All celestial bodies offer abode to maturing souls, always according to their will and disposition.... But the same word, the same truth from God, sounds everywhere. But what it means to have been embodied on earth can only be explained to you humans through the word of God, and you will only understand it when your course of development is finished and you dwell as blissful beings of light in higher spheres.... where everything has become comprehensible to you and where the infinite distance from God becomes obvious to you and the infinitely long path you have already travelled.... The lesser distance from God has no influence on the depth of God's love for His creatures, but the maturing process is a different one, and the ultimate aim, the childship to God, can only be reached through an ascent from the deepest depth to the height.... Just the furthest distance, the burden of this sin is such a seemingly insurmountable gulf that it therefore requires a helper, and this helper.... Jesus Christ.... makes this ascent possible. Yet the beatitudes in the spiritual kingdom are immeasurable, and all beings can take possession of them and continuously serve God in inconceivable bliss. His children, however, are closest to Him, they will receive the illumination of love directly from Him, they will constantly hear His address and pass on His sanctified word again, for they consciously handed themselves over to their saviour and redeemer Jesus Christ in earthly life and He drew them to His heart in hot mercy.... where they will also remain for all eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers